P. 23
Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The Scottish Rite Freemasonry uses the
double headed eagle checkerboard pattern and has 33 degrees (the top
level in Masonry). Prince Filippo is also the Earl of Newburgh in
Scotland. The Newburgh Conspiracy of 1783 was a plotted coup during
the Revolutionary War that took place in Newburgh New York.
The Orsini family. The Grey Pope manages both the White Pope
(Pope Francis) and the Black Pope (the Jesuits’ Pope Arturo Sosa). The
Grey Pope is Pepe Orsini. He is part of the secret hidden thirteen
Saturnalian Brotherhood Zoroastrian families I am describing here.
They rule over the public well-known thirteen Illuminati bloodline
families. The Zoroastrian families are the real rulers of the Earth and
they are higher ranking than the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the
Windsors and other Satanist globalist elites. They report to their
overlords whose identities I will show you later on.
The Orsini family of Rome, the Orsini-Rosenberg family of Austria
and the Rosenberg family of Bohemia control Rosicrucianism, which is
a secret society of alchemists. Alchemy is the manipulation of the
human psyche and biology through chemicals. These families use the
rose on their coat of arms. The Rosicrucian Order is also called the
“Order of the Rosy Cross.” The FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
and most food and drug companies are controlled by Rosicrucians.
The Orsini family were behind the Ebola propaganda and developed
the Ebola ‘vaccines’. The Orsini and Rosenberg families were also
responsible for the Black Plague. They hired people to poison well
water in order to spread the disease. Two people with the name
Rosenberg work in high level positions at Bayer today.
The creator of the Georgia Guidestones, who aims to regulate the
population, used the name “RC Christian” as an alias. He was really
Robert C. Cook, an American geneticist involved in population control
and eugenics. RCC like “Roman Catholic Church” and like “Rosy
Cross”. The Rosicrucians made a YouTube video placing a time cube
with “MM” and “16” on it. “MM” for “2000” and 16 together meant
2016.They intended to unleash a fake outbreak in 2016 to bring down
the United States and destroy society with their deadly vaccines.
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