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infiltrate governments, politics, law, business, and military.
The Ruspoli family is one of the most wicked bloodlines and has
some authority over the South American drug cartels. The Ruspolis
are top owners of the Vatican with princely titles all over Italy and
Spain. They are intermarried with the Spanish Bourbons and appears to
be connected with the Rizzuto crime family.
The Ruspoli family is also intermarried with the House of Sforza and
is involved with Italian banking. Prince Lilio Ruspoli-Sforza was a top
executive for Banca Romana and worked under the Italian Bank of the
South. He was also the Italian High Commissioner and ambassador of
the SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta). Prince Alessandro
Ruspoli was a direct descendant of the Matarazzo family of Brazil.
Prince Dado Ruspoli was also an actor and played in the movie The
Godfather III; one of the many examples of Hollywood glorifying the
Italian Mafia. Tao Ruspoli, who is the son of Dado Ruspoli, is in the
entertainment industry and was married to the actress Olivia Wilde.
Olivia Wilde covertly manages a satanic cult in Hollywood today.
Dado’s other son, Bart Ruspoli, is married into the Getty family who
established the Getty Oil Company. Jean Paul Getty was considered the
wealthiest man in America in his time.
The House of Savoy. The House of Savoy, who runs the Genovese
crime family, works closely with the House of Grimaldi. Prince Albert
II is a knight of the Savoy’s Order of Saints Maurice and
Lazarus. Prince Victor Emanuele’s wife is from the Genovese Doria
banking family. What people refer to as “Khazarian Mafia” is the
continuation of Genoese-Gazarian bankers today. There is a large
amount of organized crime and criminal banking in Russia, Turkey,
Bulgaria and Crimea, and these same groups are doing business in
Israel and Europe. The Russian Mafia works with the Italian Mafia. The
Russian gangster Felix Sater, who has ties with Donald Trump, is part
of this Black Sea Mafia.
The Medici family. The Italian and Spanish nobilities established
Latin America and still have their influences built into these nations like
the military dictator Emilio Garrastazu Medici of Brazil. The Roman
Catholic King of Spain holds the official title of King of Jerusalem.
The House of Grimaldi. Monaco was a principality of Genoa and