P. 265
Image 9 and 10. Camera see what we cannot see
Marduk, Enki and Wilson were three Draconian reptilian chimera
aliens who ruled the Earth under their Draconian queen. Under the
Draconian prince of the planet are the Draconian hybrid humans, our
world rulers. Draconian hybrid human globalist elites report to their
Draconian prince and he reports to his queen. Under Draconian hybrid
human world rulers are YOU!
There are 800 million human species victims annually abducted by
ruler witches for their adrenochrome blood industry based on children
farm on Earth. All Nephilim, Draconians, other chimera aliens, and
their fallen angel fathers eat humans.
When Atlantis sunk, Poseidon ruled Atlantis. The Atlantis
dimension dropped from the 7th dimension to the 3rd dimension
because of the explosion due to a crystal electromagnetic experiment
that disrupted the dimensions (another terrible story). From the lower
dimensions, many inferior ‘entities’ came on Earth, on Atlantis. They
wanted bodies to live here and they took Atlanteans’ bodies by infecting
them, infecting their DNA. Life on Atlantis became so wicked and
grotesque that God solved the problem. Atlantis sunk in a few hours.
Many Nephilim aliens and chimera aliens escaped the flood (a
tsunami) to other planets and into the Hollow Earth cities because they
had an advanced technology. On the other hand, Earth’s global elite
have their cities on Mars since the ‘50s. Now, Nephilim aliens and
chimera aliens have returned from various planets and Hollow Earth,
because Christians pastors and priests of the Western nations lost God’s
spiritual protection. This was due to their evil behavior (homosexuality,