P. 270

Carolyn Hamlett is an Illuminati high priestess (a New Age Wicca
                           witch now repented), who was raised from infancy by the master fallen
                           angels.  She  says  that  the  fallen  angels  can  do  nothing  without
                           permission of human beings. She exposes that Illuminati master fallen
                           angels  love  being  in  human  bodies  because  of  their  wide  range  of
                           emotions, feelings and sensations of the physical realm. This is why
                           both, the fallen angels and their offspring, the dead disembodied demon
                           spirits  of  their  Nephilim  aliens  and  chimera  aliens,  desire  to  enter
                           human bodies.
                             Many of them are also incarnating into cloned hybrid human avatar
                           bodies that grow to adulthood in a few months, or into stolen ‘walk in’
                           human bodies of Illuminati who practice New Age Wicca witchcraft. I
                           refer  to:  Freemasons,  Jesuits,  Druids,  Nazis,  Mormons,  Jehovah’s
                           Witnesses, Moonies, Korean shamans, African Voodoo, Puerto Rico
                           Santeria and to all various Atlantis Nephilim occult school religions
                           with their demon-possessed or abducted human servants. The fallen
                           angels and their offspring, the dead disembodied demon spirits of
                           their Nephilim aliens and chimera aliens, either wear soul-scalped
                           human meat suits or shapeshift.

                             Draconian  reptilian  chimera  aliens  want  to  get  rid  of  all  other
                           factions to become the supreme rulers of the universe. They regard all
                           humanoid  species  and  other  reptilian  bloodline  families  as  inferior
                           creatures. Thus, they don’t like the Asian dragon guardians, the Navy’s
                           COM-12 guardian whistleblowers and all other allies.
                             They especially have a deep hatred toward all humanoid species like
                           the Taygetans, the Alcyone and Procyon humanoids, the Andromeda
                           Alliance and the Orion Federation. They certainly have no love for the
                           Taanath Silver Legion. Draconian reptilian chimera aliens are at war
                           with  them  or  often  betray  and  enslave  them  under  their  pedophile
                           cannibal empire.
                             Draconian  reptilian  chimera  aliens  are  all  about  manipulating,
                           betraying, deceiving, raping, cannibalizing, torturing, MK Ultra mind-
                           programming,  stealing,  exterminating,  genetically-perverting  and
                           practicing  pedophilia  and  satanic  sacrifices.  They  are  very  able  to
                           infiltrate and destroy by any means their rivals to gain total tyrannical

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