P. 272

III.III.  Children  kidnapped,  abducted  and  cloning

                             You must protect your children. Hybrid globalist elites consider
                           themselves as the superior Aryan race of ‘blue blood’ Draconian. For
                           this reason, they regard our human Homo sapiens sapiens species as sex
                           slaves and inferior beings. For them human children, who are made in
                           the  image  of  God,  are  just  farm-animals  to  eat,  lab  rats  for  human
                           dissection  experiments,  human  mining  slaves  for  Mars  planet,  and
                           space  fleet  cyborg  soldiers.  They  especially  hate  God’s  two  people
                           groups: the Abrahamic covenant Israelite Jews, and the real Christians.
                             Draconians want transform our planet into a human meat farm and a
                           cloning  factory  of  sex  slave  children.  Pedophile  cannibal  ‘Planned
                           Parenthood’ Draconian avatars are continuing Mengele’s experiments
                           on babies’ body parts. Roasted children bodies are secretly served in
                           meals  to  Draconian  reptilian  chimera  aliens  incarnated  in  LGBTP
                           (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile) as the final part of their
                           orgies with kidnapped children.
                             These orgies are followed by the torture of children until they die (so
                           Illuminati take the precious adrenochrome), during the sacrificial rituals
                           taking place in many mansions of Illuminati elite. When Draconians
                           avatars sodomize a child, the blood vessels in the anus rupture, the feces
                           get into the blood, poison him and kill him. Into Draconians planned
                           future, children will be openly eaten in public, just as in their Atlantis
                           civilization of Nephilim and chimera aliens.
                             Draconian reptilian chimera aliens embodied in human avatars use
                           fluoride in tap water to emasculate male babies and use fake vaccines
                           to change their genes. When they incarnate in lesbian witches they get
                           their  three  years  old  boys  to  be  castrated.  When  they  incarnate  in
                           transvestites, they go into our schools to teach pedophile LGBTP sex.
                             They are making laws to teach LGBTP transgender pedophilia to
                           kindergarteners.  The  judge  who  ruled  Planned  Parenthood  videos
                           (selling babies parts) as innocent, owns abortion clinics and invests in
                           them.  Draconian  reptilian  chimera  aliens  incarnated  in  Planned
                           Parenthood Wicca witches adorn themselves with baby scalps. These
                           witches are also employed by Nazis to harvest children blood because

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