P. 273
witches have thousands of ‘honeypot’ human female sex slaves.
Witches use them to create thousands of child sex slaves to make
adrenochrome in the blood harvesting industry based on human farms.
Wicca witches electrocute children in electrified copper cages, to cause
horrific pain and adrenalin in the child blood to create adrenochrome.
After about 2 years, children end up dying. Witches grind up their
bodies and feed their meat to other children.
Witches harvesting adrenochrome blood from our human children
on the Moon, on Mars and other planets are themselves drunk on the
effect of drinking adrenochrome that gives them youth. These
pedophile cannibal witches also use children for dissection
Draco Prime (royal bloodline) reptilian chimera alien embodied in
Lt. Col. Michael Aquino is using thousands of abducted human female
slaves to give birth to child sex slaves, human meat livestock food, and
adrenochrome harvesting blood-givers for Illuminati. They use our
children as cattle.
The Republic Rebel Alliance resistance allies ‘Tagsuber Waffen’
space fleet, ‘Solar Warden’ space fleet, and ‘Kruger’ Company
army spaceship commanders like Daryl, and hundreds of other
soldiers, fight Lt. Col. Michael Aquino and his LGBTP pedophile,
cannibal, adrenochrome blood-drinking and child slavery industry
Draconians use kids as mining slaves on the Moon cities, on Mars
and on many other planets belonging to Illuminati NWO. When
children die, Draconians put their bodies in the grinders and feed their
human meat to other children as food. These human children are not
registered with any Earth’s governments or birth certificates. They get
very little surface sunlight, so their skin is white and their eyes are
dilated. Max Spiers gave his life to expose this evil torture of innocent
When you were a child, Disney (the pedophile, cannibal, Draconian
chimera alien incarnated in CEO Mr. Walt Disney) black magic demon-
possessed you through the television screen, by sending demon spirits
electromagnetically into your body and soul to make you a Jezebel
worshipper. A pedophile, cannibal, Draconian alien chimera is
embodied in Mark Zuckerberg, a David Rockefeller’s grandson. Tom