P. 269

avatar  red-haired  witch  people  are  in  Western  nations.  God  didn’t
                           create them.
                             All U.S. Presidents related by Negative Blood Types have authority
                           over  the  HAARP  which  radiates  the  atmosphere  with  electromagnetic
                           waves  and  is  used  for  mass  mind  control  and  weather  manipulation.
                           HAARP is named in reference to the harp and to its use in ancient mind
                             HAARP  comes  from  a  patent  issued  in  1987  to  Dr.  Bernard
                           Eastlund. The  patent  states  the  following:  “Weather  modification  is
                           possible  by,  for  example,  altering  upper  atmosphere  wind  patterns  or
                           altering solar absorption patterns by constructing one or more plumes of
                           atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device.” 195  The
                           military did plenty of research on weather warfare and now Illuminati
                           are using HAARP to control the weather to gain a strategical advantage
                           over us.  196
                             The 13 ruling families are the real rulers of the Earth and they are
                           higher ranking than the Rothschild family, the Rockefeller family, the
                           Windsor family and the globalist elite. They report to the Draco Prime
                           reptilian  alien  fallen  angel  called  Anu,  who  lives  in  the  Vatican
                           underground,  and  to  their  others  off-planet  overlords  (Archons  and
                           other Draco princes, queens, etc.). Then the Archons report to Satan.
                             Any  Draconian  reptilian  seraphim  alien  form  can  shape-shift
                           (transfigure) its appearance back and forth between 4th dimensional
                           and 3rd dimensional human form. Draconians are able to restructure
                           their DNA sequence to produce a human form using frequency and
                           electromagnetism. This  is  the  basic Wicca witchcraft technology
                           they received from the fallen angels. They believe that by having half
                           human genes, they can have the same authority that humans (who are
                           made in the image of God) have over the Earth.

                             195   Dr.  Eastlund  Bernard.  The  patent  is  titled  as  “Method  and  apparatus  for
                           altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere”.  Url.
                             196  Url.

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