Page 12 - PFOA Slideshow November 1, 2021
P. 12
About the Notice of Exceedance
• The newly established MCL limit is applied on the basis of a
“Quarterly Running Annual Average” (QRAA) in which four most
recent quarters of monitoring data are averaged.
• MWC received notice in early September that groundwater from
its wellfield exceeded the new PFOA limit based on its QRAA
samples collected in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters of 2021 as
those results were 25 ppt, 23 ppt, and 36 ppt respectively.
Regardless of the next quarter results, our current QRAA for PFOA
is 21 ppt, which is above the MCL of 14 ppt. This facility is
expected to exceed the MCL until new treatment is installed.
• While our results were above the new NJDEP level, they are
below the EPA lifetime health advisory level of 70 parts per trillion
(ppt) for the sum of PFOA and PFOS in drinking water.
• The requirement of a new MCL standard is what triggered the
violation notice, not a change in water quality.