Page 27 - Vedanta Sandesh_Aug 2020
P. 27


                        existence long before the time of  Gautama Buddha, the last of

                        the Buddhas.

                        Every year pilgrims from Tibet and other countries pay their vis-

                        its to the holy shrine. The local people told me that in the very

                        year of  my visit a very holy lama from Tibet had performed a mi-

                        raculous penance—had successfully completed his Pranati yatra,
                        filling all beholders with wonder and admiration Seeing how dif-

                        ficult it is for an ordinary person even to climb the high, steep,

                        snowclad peaks, and how much more dangerous to climb down,

                        we are left to wonder at the tremendous power of  faith that en-
                        ables man to perform the entire journey in the course of  sever-

                        al months or even years, prostrating himself  at every step Such

                        penance cannot fail to inspire beholders with awe and devotion.

                        The sight of  the somewhat circular and uneven central plain of

                        Nepal with the capital city at its centre and extensive rice-fields

                        dotted with villages surrounding it, as well as the far off  Himala-

                        yan peaks spotlessly white with snow raised my mind to a higher
                        plane of  joy I could not return to the city before I had my fill of

                        that divine bliss The paddy fields in the vicinity of  the city re-

                        minded me often of  our own Kerala.

                        In the year 450 B C Lord Buddha himself  toured this region and

                        converted the local Brahmins and the members of  the other castes

                        into Buddhism About two hundred years later, in 249 B C the

                        Mauryan Emperor Asoka, travelled over these places, propagat-
    Vedanta Sandesh                                        27

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