Page 26 - Vedanta Sandesh_Aug 2020
P. 26


                        If  a  woman enters our Ashram we will hack

                      her to pieces with a sword so declared a Tibetan Lama to me once.

                      The lama was probably exaggerating, yet his words point to their
                      deep seated desire not to get mixed up with worldly affairs which

                      tend to cause violent mental agitations. Compared with the mod-

                      erns who mingle freely with lustful women every day and yet claim

                      to be leading a life of  unadulterated Brahmacharya, the ancients,
                      it would seem, were neither so saintly nor so self-restrained. What

                      silly, good-for-nothing cowards were those ancients ! abject slaves

                      to their senses ! superstitious idiots ! How ridiculous! They had to

                      retreat to lonely forests to preserve their Brahmacharya ! Whatever
                      be the notion of  our moderns about their forefathers, the Buddhist

                      lamas still retreat into such solitudes even today. They do not be-

                      lieve it possible to be wedded to worldly life and yet be ascetic.

                      Swayambhoonatham is a lovely solitary place so occupied by Bud-

                      dhist monks. It is situated to the west of  Khatmandu, One day I

                      went there for darshan in the company of  some devotees from the

                      capital. That lonely, peaceful hermitage, standing on the top of  a
                      small hill, captivated my heart  completely.  There I  saw  several

                      beautiful temples dedicated to the five Pandavas, etc. In the chief

                      temple there is a light kept burning day and night and it is never

                      suffered to go out. At the temple we met the chief  lama and had a
                      conversation with him. We were told that the temple had been in

    Vedanta Sandesh                                        26

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