Page 21 - Vedanta Sandesh_Aug 2020
P. 21

The Art of Man Making

                          In  order to make the intelligent sceptic in
                        Arjuna accept the philosophy of  working in the Yagna spirit,

                        Krishna now shows how it is a universal law of  nature. Every-

                        where around us, from the twinkling stars to the flowing rivers,
                        nature serves the world in the yagna spirit. The sun shines, but

                        demands no appreciation from anyone. Rains fall; rivers flow;

                        plants flower; trees bear fruits; oceans heave; towering moun-

                        tains stand....all serve the world to make it what it is, and none

                        of  them seem to demand even a passing recognition from the
                        people benefitted by it. They all do their duties discovering a

                        joyous fulfillment in the very performance.

                        In the style of  a mythology here Krishna sings. Vyasa was a

                        poet- philosopher and therefore in him poetry, science and phi-

                        losophy often get mingled to enrich each by the other. This is

                        the style of  the Gita Acharya.

                        Lord Krishna says, the creator (Prajapati) after having creat-

                        ed mankind, together with the yagna, said, “ By this shall you

                        create: this shall be the fulfiller of  all your desires”. The idea
                        of  yagna spirit is the universal law of  nature and is given out

                        against an awe-inspiring and dignified background. The creator

                        conceived the yagna spirit along with the creatures, and as a

                        parting gift to the best of  his creatures, the highest-evolved, the

                        intelligent man, he presented it. Said the mighty creator, “Now I
    Vedanta Sandesh

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