Page 17 - Vedanta Sandesh_Aug 2020
P. 17

Gita Reflections

                        The  Supreme being is the truth of  all that exists,

                        wheather it is at the level of  inert matter or wheather it is some-
                        thing that is living. The Supreme being as Ishvara creates and

                        sustains the world. Ishvara alone expresses as the entire creation

                        in various names and forms. Knowledge of  Ishvara as one’s own
                        atma is the goal of  life, but unfortunately most of  the human be-

                        ings are not even aware of  the existence of  such a compassionate,
                        all pervasive, all knowledgable, all powerful Lord. In case, if  they

                        are even aware of  the exitence of  Ishvara then too they do not

                        know or understand the true nature of  Ishvara. It is the result of
                        such ignorance that not only is our faith and awareness distorted

                        but so is our relation with God. For all those people for whom

                        Ishvara exists, he is only a means of  fulfilling various worldly
                        desires. Very rarely does someone relate with God with the desire

                        and curiosity to know Ishvara. Why is this so? This question has

                        been answered in the following sloka. Sri Krishna says-Obstruct-
                        ed by Yoga-Maya people fail to see the truth of  the Lord. What

                        are these obstructions which cause hinderance in seeing the truth
                        of  the Lord. This has been discussed in the following sloka.

                        Sarva bhootani sammoham sarge yaanti-All the jivas due to their
                        ignorance which has travelled along thousands and thousands of

                        births and deaths go into a state of  delusion right from the time
                        of  birth. Since I am not aware of  my real nature as Bliss, I seek

                        happiness and  contentment  from the world outside. Thus my

                        journey as an external seeker begins. Not only do I seek pleas-
    Vedanta Sandesh                                        17

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