Page 18 - Vedanta Sandesh_Aug 2020
P. 18

Gita Reflections

                        ures from outside but in the process my delusion gets more and

                        more stronger. My conviction about gaining gratification from
                        the world outside gets more and more stronger. Here Sri Krishna

                        reveals what is delusion and how this delusion comes about.

                        Delusion is moha. It is that veil which not only obstructs knowl-

                        edge but also the desire for knowledge. Such is the empowerment

                        of  delusion that the very pottential of  even knowing something
                        correctly is obstructed. How does this delusion come about?

                        Sri Krishna says-Iccha dvesha sammutthena-Delusion  is born

                        of  dvandva, the opposites. What are those opposites and where

                        do they come from? Opposites are born of  Iccha and Dvesha i.e.
                        strong desires and aversions. Likes and dislikes create opposites,

                        out of  which delusion, moha is born. Opposites by theselves are
                        not a problem. The entry of  opposites in one’s life is a natural

                        flow of  life. Just as an ocean has waves which are sometimes high

                        and sometimes low, sometimes peaceful and sometimes stormy
                        so also life is a continuous flow of  changing situations. The only

                        thing is that certain opposites are a natural feature like heat and

                        cold, day and night, and other natural phenomena. These oppo-
                        sites are created by Ishvara. But there are certain opposites which

                        are subjectively created. They are my own creation. Like success

                        and failure, respect and disrespect, happiness and sorrow, profit
                        and loss. We set our own expectations and parameters and then

                        label a situation as success or failure, good or bad, pleasant and
                        unpleasant. By itself  these opposites do not have an objective re-

                        ality. One can see that all opposite situations are relatively expe-
    Vedanta Sandesh                                        18

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