Page 22 - Vedanta Sandesh_Aug 2020
P. 22

The Art of Man Making

                        give you the yagna”-the power to co-operatively work together

                        for a desirable goal. With this-functioning in this co-operative
                        spirit of  selfless dedicated endeavour-may you all prosper(ane-

                        na prasavishyadhwam) nay, even if  man were to discover any

                        imperfection in nature, or in the scheme of  life in the world, an

                        intelligent community can, by itself, striving in the yagna spir-

                        it of  selfless co-operative endeavour, bring about all improve-
                        ments and every conceivable progress. The story of  scientific

                        world and it’s growth during the last thousand years; the story

                        of  economic and political revolutions the world goes through
                        from time to time, are all examples. Alas! men co-operate and

                        act as a team more often for destructive wars than a constructive

                        work for creating peace and harmony among themselves! It is

                        due to a weakness inherent in man that he fails in his attempts at

                        co-operative endeavours. We know if  we all decide and work for
                        a cause, good or bad, we can succeed. We can make a heaven of

                        earth, or hell of  life around us. In order to work co-operatively,

                        each will have to sacrifice his ego and his personal desire-grati-
                        fications.  If  anyone in a team asserts his ego or grows anxious

                        for his own desire- gratifications, the cadence in the work is lost,

                        and the co-operative scheme breaks down. Thus for success the

                        entire team must have one sigle inspiring idea at the altar of

                        which everyone must readily surrender his personal vanity and
                        greed. A large number of  people coming together to act in uni-

                        son at the same altar of  grace, for the total glory of  all is the

                        ritual yagna. This yagna spirit is a gift recieved from the creator

    Vedanta Sandesh

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