Page 22 - Radiooperatørkursus BEG_Neat
P. 22

Note how accurate an indication is of the outbound flight.

               It helps other planes, so they know where we are and where we are moving to,

               and at what altitude we are moving. It is of course also a help to ourselves, so we

               avoid collisions with others.

               Note the system of repeating certain information, and that with these repetitions

               you must end the message with the aircraft's call sign!

               2.6    Altitude indication

               Altitude indication is important in aviation, so here follows a section on altitude

               measurement and flight altitudes.

               2.6.1   Altitude and QNH

               You  have  probably  wondered  about  the  term  "QNH  1009",  which  was

               information you received from Herning Radio.

               In any case, we need to get closer to this important


               QNH is the air pressure that we need to set on our


               Once  we  have  done  this  using  the  dial  on  the

               bottom left, this will appear in the small window on the right side of the altimeter.

               Here we have entered the pressure for a day when this was 1022 hPa (Hecto


                   -  QNH is the pressure at MSL and shows our altitude above MSL

                   -  QFE is pressed on the airport - if set, the altimeter shows 0 feet

                   -  QNE is the default setting of 1013 hPa and is used to show the aircraft's

                      "pressure altitude" (altitude in the standard atmosphere)
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