Page 12 - engelsk
P. 12
Air Law
c) No state aircraft of a member country may overfly another member
country's territory without prior agreement.
Article 5: Scheduled Air Services
a) It is agreed that aircraft not operating scheduled services should be able
to fly over or land in another member country without prior authorization.
b) For scheduled services, an agreement must exist between the countries
Article 10: Landing at Customs Airports
Any state may require that aircraft arriving in its territory land at a customs
airport unless the aircraft has permission to overfly without landing.
Similarly, departing aircraft may be required to depart from a customs airport.
Article 11:
Every aircraft must comply with the rules and operational procedures
applicable in the country they are flying over.
Article 12:
Every state must ensure that aircraft operating within its territory, or aircraft
registered in the state, wherever they may be, follow air traffic rules. ICAO rules
apply over uninhabited areas. Every state must punish violators of these rules.
Article 22:
Every state must facilitate flights between member countries and prevent
unnecessary delays, particularly regarding customs, immigration, and
quarantine regulations.
It is required that aircraft flying over another state’s territory have a pilot on
board – no "unmanned" aircraft.
Article 24:
Aircraft arriving in a member country must be granted temporary exemption
from customs duties. Fuel, oil, spare parts, and general equipment onboard at
arrival and again at departure must be exempt from customs.
Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025