Page 14 - engelsk
P. 14

Air Law

                The map to the right shows all the

                countries that are members of EASA.

                The predecessor to EASA was the so-

                called Joint Aviation Regulation (JAR)

                rules, which were later carried

                forward as EASA regulations.

                  EASA's areas of work are:
                    -  Certification of aircraft

                    -  Certification of pilots

                    -  Certification of personnel

                    -  Flight operations

                    -  Simplification of rules for GA (General Aviation) flying


                The key documents in rulemaking are the European Parliament and Council

                Regulation (EC) No. 216/2008, which describes the cooperation between the

                EU countries and sets out the areas of work and principles for the collaboration.

                Commission Regulation 1178/2011 is also one of the main works. It concerns

                certification. For such a regulation, an AMC (Acceptable Means of Compliance)

                is issued, which describes how the rules should be followed. GM is Guidance

                Material for the rules.

                If, for example, there is a disagreement with the wording of a law, a member

                state can issue an ALTMOC (Alternate Means of Compliance), and the Danish

                Transport Agency has been kind enough to do so on certain points, so that in

                Denmark, we have an alternative interpretation of parts of the regulation.

           Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL             Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025           14
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