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Business Chambers Council
time. is service is referred to as being with Clayton Glen, owner of entrepreneur development. e
DRG Outsourcing PEO Services, and is eloquently ImaginativeHR, a leading HR rst eight years of his career was
and BusinessFit go described by Harry Feinberg as: Advisory rm, held at the Royal in a corporate environment, where
to London to meet “It is about the vision of reducing Society premises in central he worked at Shell South Africa in
and share insights a business owner’s stress level, London, where topics discussed their retail department as a
territory manager.
included mentorship and coaching
streamlining personnel issues,
with high level becoming compliant with models. e second, at the historic
human resource burdensome regulations, keeping Institute of Directors on Pall Mall, In 1995, he dragged himself
management business owners focused, was with Mike Miller of Sapro, from the glam of this position at
consultants and attracting and retaining qualied previously a senior manager with Shell, to join an owner-managed
company called Prolab, that
business leaders sta, and enabling Revenue several leading global companies helped contractors manage
Receivers to collect taxes and
and owner of a leading importer
within their network, social securities in an ecient of South African consumer goods. employment relationships.
and to explore new manner.” Mike is a signicant contributor to
and exciting markets the development of emerging ereaer, White discussed the
and opportunities for DRG has been part of this global businesses in Britain, both idea for a contractor management
company with his friends (Raoul
South African trend to provide procient PEO through engaging directly in Di Marco and Graeme Minter
entrepreneurs… services for 20 years, and services business education and mentoring Brown), and in 1996 they set up
emerging business. is
clients with sta working in South
DRG Consulting, providing
D avid White, Charles Henzi Africa sourced from countries as programme’s approach will payroll and contract solutions.
provide valuable input into
far aeld as Canada, Singapore,
DRG today is a total solutions
BusinessFit endeavours. Both
India, USA, UK, Ireland,
and Akhona Mahlati
provider in human resources,
travelled to London earlier
and Miller commented on the
Australia, Ethiopia, Hong Kong to
this month to meet with other Switzerland, Belgium, Philippines, meetings were positive, and Glen avid White is a seasoned assisting companies with
compliance and reporting
innovativeness of the BusinessFit
professional practitioners in the name a few. DRG provides a 3D Methodology, and mindful D chief executive ocer with responsibilities, as well as with the
entrepreneur development, HR similar service for a number of a air for marketing and implementation of an ‘employee
management and leadership space. signicant NGOs in South Africa thought and passion that both general management. engagement’ environment helping
eir intention was to share ideas in receipt of funding from both White and Mahlati have for business leaders create an
and methodology that have been globally-based sponsors and local BusinessFit and entrepreneurial White’s rst passion is people enterprise culture which enables
successful in South Africa, to learn funding entities (such as the South development. development. He says, “People are team members to deliver
of international trends and African Job Fund) and requiring my passion, as I believe it is people sustainable results.
models, to collaborate, and to assurance of compliance in all What was of further interest is who will make the world a better
celebrate innovative and eective aspects of business governance, that both Glen and Miller, living place. I have absolute condence White’s passion for people
ways to help companies create including the detailed in and working out of the greater in the belief that if people are and the dire need to create
productive work environments requirements of running an London area, have spent their given the opportunity to employment opportunities
that produce results. ecient HR environment. earlier years living and working in understand themselves and make through entrepreneurship and
South Africa. ey both run their contributions in the work sound business leadership led him
DRG traditionally, has helped Meeting the likes of John Le successful companies, and are environment, any goals are to help found BusinessFit, an
companies meet governance, Maire, a rare individual possessing extremely well connected. Glen is achievable.” Enterprise Development
reporting and compliance in-depth understanding of a high-level employee engagement Beneciary, focussed on helping
responsibilities that are in-country compliance and consultant who, in collaboration White says it was a natural entrepreneurs grow their
highlighted in the various labour labour trends derived from with his team, supports clients in progression for him to become businesses to the next level.
acts and related legislation. is is approximately 100 countries, was the UK, Europe, Middle East, involved in HR management and
still a core focus, but DRG has hugely informative and rewarding. Africa, the Far East and the USA
now included employee Meetings to discuss related in the establishment of productive
engagement and leadership as services were held with work environments through a BusinessFit to the UK ‘Young learned a great deal, and expect to
essential additions for executives recruitment specialist, RIZE, dened methodology. In learning Enterprise Programme’ where he be back in London within the next
to understand and apply in their specically with Andy Hillery, about their highly eective has been invited to become an few months.
business to help improve partner and director with over 25 outcomes based mentoring we entrepreneurial mentor for the
eciencies and output; in the years’ global experience in this also realised that DRG is on Prince’s Trust, the highly regarded One exciting opportunity is
quest for enterprise sustainability. eld who use DRG in South Africa the right track and that our HRH Prince Charles initiative to for DRG and BusinessFit to
to manage HR requirements for a leadership model is special. e help young entrepreneurs, contribute at Royal Society and
In regard to compliance signicant China-based telecoms ImaginativeHR team identied particularly those from poor or Institute of Director speaker
services, the team had meetings service provider. In addition, with the DRG “Purposeful criminal backgrounds. functions. Glen and Miller are,
with John Le Maire of JLM meetings were held with Workplace model”, commenting respectively, members of each of
Compliance, who provides an Compandben who use DRG as its that it was fresh and undoubtedly Miller is also a director and the prestigious clubs, and will put
international client base with in-country partner in South would assist companies in creating founder of the UK South African forward topics and help to create
in-country employment law and Africa. Compandben directors, productive and ecient work Chamber of Commerce whose opportunity for DRG and
best practice solutions, when they John Tinsley and Kevin Parker environments. members include Anglo BusinessFit to share their thoughts
move sta across borders. DRG work with companies across the American, Standard Bank, with larger audiences, and create
has worked with JLM Compliance globe, providing PEO type Miller, as a successful Nedbank and Old Mutual Wealth value for their South African
for approximately 12 years, solutions in 190 countries. Going entrepreneur in his own right, amongst other major human resource management and
providing human resource forward, DRG and Compandben is dedicated to helping multinational corporates, another entrepreneurial development
management solutions to foreign will work together more closely to entrepreneurs grow their useful global business network. models.”
companies employing sta in provide HR solutions across the condence in business. He
South Africa and select African whole of the African continent. proposed that emergent South White said, “All in all it was a
countries. ere is a fast-growing African entrepreneurs would very enjoyable and productive
trend for personnel with unique ese contacts, as well as others, benet greatly by visiting the trip. We made many new friends,
skill sets to travel from country to expressed their willingness to UK to gain practical exposure
country to deliver such specialist assist in the establishment of a to ourishing niche
skills. Very oen, it is hugely direct DRG presence in London to entrepreneurship ventures,
complex for a multi-national (or further develop its global ranging from, for example,
other company) to set up footprint. confectionary to nancial
operations in a country, where services.
they simply require a business BusinessFit had two signicant
structure for a short period of meetings in London. e rst Miller is able to introduce