Page 6 - KZN Business Sense 3.6
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            Business Chambers Council

                                        e stated views of respectively   innocent enough, but we have   process with the South African     Also, there is a deemed disposal
                          Claudia Aires -
                          Head of     National Treasury and SARS, in   seen this trigger an automatic   Reserve Bank (SARB) to change   for capital gains tax purpose on
                          Financial   Parliament, were very clear based   verication or audit process.   your tax status from ‘resident’ to   certain property when you
                          Emigration  on researched numbers of       Where the question is marked   ‘non-resident’ for exchange   emigrate, but aer that you are
                                      expatriate tax submissions. e   false, this is a criminal oense,   control purposes.      exempt from capital gains tax and
                                      numbers show that many South   thus creating an even more serious                           estate duty in South Africa. is
                                      African passport holders and   problem.                         “is is a SARB legal        deemed disposal for capital
                                      permanent residents have simply                               requirement as well as a South   gains tax is very oen also
                                      le, without formalising their     ese questions are still limited   African Revenue Service (SARS)   misunderstood, as this only
                                      aairs with SARS or the South   now, but they will no doubt be   requirement to conrm      applies to certain assets and not
                                      African Reserve Bank.          expanded in future tax lings, as   non-residency”, as explained by   to xed property.
                                                                     correct proling of taxpayers oen   Jerry Botha who represented the
                                        is has prompted not only a   directly informs SARS audit   South Africa Expatriate Tax   You do not have to give up
                                      law change, which should be    decision.                      Group in Parliament during    passport or sell your assets.
                                      promulgated in January 2018, but                              September 2017 on this law
        SARS World-Wide Tax           also a stated SARS tax audit focus   International banking reported   change.                 e nancial emigration
                                      on those expatriates who have le
                                                                     to SARS from 2018 onwards
                                                                                                                                  process has no bearing on your
        T    here are many South      and simply decided to ignore their     SARS has committed itself to     e reason most people   citizenship, passport, or ability to
                                                                                                    nancially emigrate is because it
                                                                                                                                  own property or assets in South
             Africans working or living
                                                                     complete its implementation of
                                      taxes. Some have not considered it
             abroad, only returning to
                                                                     Cooperation and Development’s
        South Africa for holidays or to   even necessary to submit tax   the Organisation for Economic   gives legal certainty on their   Africa. is misconception appears
                                                                                                                                  to be caused by either misunder-
                                                                                                    non-residency status for tax and
                                      returns in South Africa, others
        visit family. is reects a modern   submitted zero tax returns to   (OECD) Common Reporting   exchange control purposes, as well   standing of the process, or by
        way of life, where the South   SARS, some even indicated that   Standard (CRS) by end of    as holding certain nancial   unscrupulous advisors wanting to
        African expertise and work ethic   they are unemployed on their tax   December 2017.        planning benets such as the one   punt services ranging from selling
        are sought aer by international   returns; whilst earning expatriate                       of the few ways of cashing out   foreign residency visas, cashing
        employers; yet South Africa   salaries.                        is means there will no longer   your retirement annuity.   out of policies or making money
        remains the home.                                            be oshore hidden money, as the                              on forex services.
                                      Targeting starting with tax    world has followed the United     When one emigrates nancially
          is has all changed with the   return changes              States’ lead in forcing disclosure by   they cease to be a South African     A professional services rm of attorneys,
        shock announcement by National     Whilst many expatriates hope,   nancial institutions of any   tax resident and will not be liable   CA(SA)’s, Master Tax Practitioners®,
                                                                                                                                  Certied Financial Planners® and with own
        Treasury and SARS, that the tax   incorrectly, that SARS will drag   account owned or otherwise   to pay any South African tax on   FSB license and emigration attorneys.
        exemption on South African    their feet, the 2016/17 South   connected to South African    their worldwide income. ey will,
        expatriates is set to change.  African tax return already    residents or citizens.         however, be required to declare
                                      included targeted questions                                   any South African sourced income
        SARS concerned about          dealing with expatriate tax status.   e solution             that may be taxable, such as rental
        expatriate non-compliance     e questions may appear          Financial emigration is a formal   income.
        T     he monthly rental of    renewal rental from falling below   the search for a ‘market
              business premises is oen
                                                                     rental’ benchmark derived
                                      the rent under review – is a
              one of the largest expenses
        facing a business. However, due to   practice that undermines the   from similar premises and
                                                                     under similar lease terms
                                      purpose of the review terms.
        the nature of commercial leases,   Tenants who have fallen foul of   in prevailing market
        which usually run for lengthy   this provision have only them-  conditions.
        periods of time, it is essential for   selves to blame.
        commercial tenants to understand                               e following factors
        all the factors that could aect     e review provision commonly   need to be considered:
        their future obligations as outlined   prescribes three processes. Firstly,   •  What rent would the
        in their contract.            that the renewal rental and      premises fetch on the
                                      escalation be agreed between the     open market?
          One of the factors that is oen   parties. Secondly, that failing   •  The same terms and
        not understood by tenants is that   agreement, the parties agree either     conditions as the present
        of the rent review clause. In   to separately nominate their own     lease, including a rent
        commercial property leases, this   expert with provision for the     review clause
        clause is a common practice   experts to agree, or failing   •  That the tenant has
        amongst landlords and tenants   agreement, between the experts,     fullled all his lease
        worldwide.                    then thirdly, a third-party expert    obligations
                                      or arbitrator is introduced to   •  Any effect of
          Essentially, the purpose of a rent   review and rule on the experts’     improvements or works
        review clause is to protect the   opinions, the outcome being     carried out on the
        value of the landlord’s property   binding on the lease parties.     premises by the tenant.
        and to reect the changing value
        of the property during the term of     It is the expert’s job to properly     Tenants need to be wary
        the lease. e intention is for both   research, interrogate and analyse   of review clauses that refer
        parties to secure a long lease and   recently negotiated leases on   to the determination of an
        at the same time ensure rentals are   similar terms and for similar   ‘open market rental and
        re-aligned to market levels at   premises (showing similar quality,   escalation’ in a ‘closed’
        agreed intervals. In South Africa’s   size and location attributes).   market environment such
        inationary environment, these   Where these are scarce, then   as a Port precinct where
        are typically set at ve yearly   substantiated adjustments should   there is a single landlord
        intervals.                    be made from the source data and   with 100% control over the
                                      aligned to the premises under   supply of property. In such
          Many of the commercial leases   review. e parties and their   cases, specic review
        granted are initially on favourable   appointed expert/s are responsible   criteria need to be agreed
        terms for tenants, simply to get the   for ensuring that the full lease   upon which are fair and
        space let. A problem that small   terms under review form the   equitable to both parties.
        business owners oen encounters   specication for the review.
        is that the rent review provides for                           Landlords also need to be      In conclusion, poorly conducted   T: 031 303 8722
        ‘market rental value’ that results in     While the lease provisions are   wary of draing ‘User’ clauses  rent reviews can lead to nancial
        a possibly unaordable rent hike.   clear —problems may arise when   into leases which conne tenants   loss, stalemate in agreeing new
                                      the experts are called in. e   to a specic activity and can   rents, and even termination of the
          In addition, the incidence of   parties aected need to be sure   negatively impact on rental   lease.
        ‘ratchet’ clauses – preventing the   that the expert has been diligent in   collection.

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