Page 9 - KZN Business Sense 3.6
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T he outstanding performance However, in recent years, exports Cele thanked TPT’s investment to an estimated R122.8 billion in and steel and metal products,
have become more diversied
of companies exporting
in the sector and their involvement
chemicals and plastic and paper
2015 from an estimated R46.6
within KwaZulu-Natal was
the Durban Chamber is to
sector based exports, which is why
KwaZulu-Natal is a signicant
recognised and celebrated at the with a greater reliance on service in the awards. “A major role of billion in 2005. is is a and publishing. What’s more
contribution of 18.9% as a
17th edition of the 2017 KZN over the past two years we facilitate and promote economic proportion of GDP. Over and producer of vehicles and vehicle
Exporter of the Year awards held introduced new categories at these growth in the region through above this constitutes 11.8% of components.
at the Durban ICC on 19 October. awards. Congratulations to all of partnerships with strategic South Africa’s exports. which is
e Awards are hosted by the you here tonight for playing your stakeholders, for 17 years TPT second aer Gauteng (64.3%). e awards were adjudicated by:
Durban Chamber of Commerce part in strengthening our has shared its meaningful KwaZulu-Natal has a comparative embi Phahla – TPT, Zenzile
and Industry in partnership with economy. We recognise your commitment to creating an advantage as the province is home Makelo – Mediterranean Shipping
Transnet Port Terminals (TPT), excellence and are committed to enabling environment for to the busiest ports namely, Company, Nkululeko Kunene –
and are designed to honour and working closely with you and exporters to play their role in Durban and Richards Bay. seda, Farai Moyo – EDTEA,
promote large and small other players in the export and ensuring sustained economical Louise Pelser – Chair: Durban
businesses that have proved their import industry to provide you growth as international trade is KwaZulu-Natal’s manufacturing Chamber Trade and Investment
excellence in tough international with the support you need to one of the key features that make sector is the second largest in the Forum, Claude Moodley –
markets and to inspire other achieve optimum results. For the KwaZulu-Natal a key contributor country with almost 30% of South TIKZN, and Odirile Ramasodi –
ambitious companies to export sake of strengthening your to South Africa’s economy,” Cele Africa’s manufactured exports ECIC. PricewaterhouseCoopers
their goods and services. business and the overall health of said. produced in the Province. e were the award auditors.
the country’s economy.” Durban South Basin is a key
In her keynote address Nozipho Other strategic partners that manufacturing and industrial zone A call was made to exporting
Sithole, TPT chief executive, CEO of the Durban Chamber, support the awards include; the of the city, contributing a major companies and individuals that
highlighted the vital role that Dumile Cele highlighted that the Department of Economic part of Durban’s GDP and export their services to other
exports play in growing the crucial sector of exports needs to Development, Tourism and providing 10% of the country’s countries to make use of the
region’s and country’s economy. ensure that more people enter this Economic Aairs (edtea), Trade & manufacturing jobs. e top ve opportunity available to them to
“Exports play an important role in platform as that's the only way to Investment KwaZulu-Natal manufacturing industries in the grow, access opportunities and
our economy by inuencing the reverse the trade decit and (TIKZN), Eekwini Maritime province, in terms of employment, receive publicity by entering the
level of economic growth, ensure stability and growth of our Cluster (EMC), Small Enterprise are clothing, textiles and footwear, KZN Exporter of the Year awards
employment and the balance of economy. e key focus of export Development Agency (SEDA) and food and beverages, basic iron for 2018.
payments. Traditionally export growth is for exporting companies the Export Credit Insurance
jobs have been in manufacturing to provide a facilitation service to Corporation (ECIC).
industries – an important source other like-minded manufacturers,
of full-time employment, big or small, who wish to expand KwaZulu-Natal’s exports
especially in industrial regions. their production capacity. increased and more than doubled
Dumile Cele
T he Mediterranean Shipping service levels within shipping
• Community and willingness to
Company (MSC) has an
innovative, exible and
requirements of clients,
unique approach to shipping that initiate change to meet the
has allowed the company to grow principals and environmental
signicantly over the last twenty issues.
years. Founded in 1970, MSC is
now the biggest user of the South e credibility of MSC’s
African ports and by 2003 was the service has ensured a large base
second biggest container carrier in of loyal customers has been
the world, operating more than maintained. With dedicated
440 container vessels. employees and continuous
developments of infrastructure
MSC’s dramatic growth over and technology, this base grows
the past decade can be attributed from day to day. MSC is a “family”
to two things: organisation and cultivates a
• The quality management culture of personal commitment
system that aims at and contribution from each of its
consistently improving upon employees.
L - R: Shabnum Moosa, Mercury Newspapers; Glenn Delve, MSC National Commercial
Director; Durban Chamber President, Musa Makhunga