Page 8 - KZN Business Sense 3.6
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Business Chambers Council
“T is “unlikely to be sustainable that currently give close on nine to providing a single package of which have been generated by the
he government is busily
IRR and others. ese proposals
benets. Its ultimate aim is to put
million people (some 60% of them
unless there is sustained economic
pressing ahead with
implementing its
and give people access to sound
proposed National Health growth”. black) access to the benets of the an end to medical schemes would widen individual choice
country’s world-class system of
Insurance (NHI) system,” says the A revised White Paper on the private health care.” healthcare at prices they can
IRR in the latest issue of its NHI was gazetted by the health “Far from bringing about aord.
@Liberty policy bulletin. minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, on “Government regulation has increased access to health care,”
“However, it still does not know 30th June 2017. is revised already pushed up the cost of Jeery writes, “the NHI will e government has generally
what the NHI will cost, how it will document does nothing to tackle medical schemes to the point deprive many South Africans of ignored these practical
be nanced, how the supply of the many weaknesses in earlier where many people battle to aord the access they currently enjoy. alternatives. Instead, Dr
health services can be ramped up NHI proposals. them. e state has also refused to Introducing NHI is thus not a Motsoaledi has repeatedly accused
to match increased demand, how allow a low-cost option that would ‘reasonable’ measure for the state critics of the NHI of wanting to
the enormous administrative “e White Paper largely extend cover to at least 15 million to take. It will also require a level retain an unfair system and
burden will be met, or how the ignores the problems of poor more South Africans.” of spending far in excess of the deprive South Africans of the
corruption the new system will management and oen poor resources ‘available’ to the benets of universal health
coverage (UHC).
foster can be curbed.” quality in the public healthcare “In further preparation for the government. e NHI proposal is
sector,” says Dr Anthea Jeery, NHI, the government is now thus inconsistent with Section 27
e government has also Head of Policy Research and seeking to end the tax credit that of the Constitution.” “is accusation is false,” the IRR
responds. “Critics are not opposed
eectively ignored a report by the author of the IRR report. helps make medical schemes more to universal health coverage, but
Davis Tax Committee – written in aordable, to ‘consolidate’ smaller e @Liberty report also rather to the inability of the NHI
March 2017 and made public last “Instead, its key concern is to schemes into bigger ones, and to describes several eective and to achieve it.”
week – which warns that the NHI put an end to the medical schemes conne the schemes that remain aordable alternatives to the NHI
S tertiary institutions nationally. “shis”. None of these above- performance, a large number of resources and nancial gis
ince the early 1990s, the
Whilst this issue has grabbed
demographics of the student
mentioned scenarios are desirable
students face the “pain and shame”
ranging from R 100 and above to
body attending higher
cause of student demonstrations,
education institutions has media headlines and been the or conducive to quality teaching of being without food. “the UKZN Food Security
and learning.
undergone a radical shi. it remains one of a new emerging is situation persists despite
Nowadays, the student prole set of challenges, which all Another more insipid challenge the signicant nancial resources is campaign will support the
of universities strongly reect stakeholders must respond to in a has come to the fore at UKZN made available via the National eorts of Student Services to
both regional and national coherent and coordinated manner. and other tertiary institutions. Student Financial Aid Scheme and provide immediate and long-term
demographic patterns with a Student hunger is growing across the eorts of the UKZN Student relief to destitute and food
strong emphasis being placed on Aside from student fees, universities and if le unaddressed Services Division. In order to insecure students. e UKZN
opening access to historically insucient aordable student could compromise a sizable address the plight of students therefore calls all its stakeholders,
underrepresented race, income accommodation has seen proportion of the student body. faced with this situation at UKZN, sta, parents, alumni, corporate
and dierently abled sections of unscrupulous property owners A study conducted by UKZN the University has implemented a and private individuals to – “Share
the community. prey on desperate students, academic Dr Nick Munroe voucher system which deserving the Festive Cheer” by contributing
housing them in overcrowded estimated that three in ten students can access following a to this noble cause. As we
ese notable changes to accommodation. Horror stories students are aected by student counselling intervention and approach the Festive Season
enrolment patterns have have emerged where up to six hunger. Approximately 2000 needs assessment. e UKZN we appeal to you to go to
introduced a swathe of new students are crammed in students are unsure where their Vice Chancellor, Dr Albert Van and
challenges to the higher education accommodation meant for two. next meal will come from. In Jaarsveld, has thrown his full click on the DONATE NOW
landscape. Most recently, the issue Other reports have surfaced where addition to adjusting to university support behind a novel annual button.
of student fees has surfaced across students are said to sleep in life and focusing on the academic campaign, which seeks to mobilise
Share the Festive Cheer
Support the UKZN - Student Food Security Programme
More than sixty percent of UKZN students require financial support to access higher education.
Some students receive full funding to cover all their expenses. However, there are at least 2 000
students who do not receive funding for food/meals. Research has found that students who are
undernourished are prone to poor academic performance. The University of KwaZulu-Natal
Student Food Security Programme is critically underfunded and requires generous support from
students, staff, alumni, businesses and other stakeholders.
Your generous donation of at least R100 will make major difference in the lives of our students.
To make an online donation go to and click on DONATE NOW.