Page 7 - KZN Business Sense 3.6
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Business Chambers Council
K waZulu-Natal based She said the business sector had a of professionals in various elds,
ensuring that we identify learners
property development
responsibility to 'give back', by
giant and market leader,
needs. e Shree Future
Shree Property Holdings, pushes assisting to meet today's societal with the best potential and whose
economic circumstances would
the industrial, commercial and Foundation was the company's otherwise preclude them from
residential property boundaries, response. To add impetus, the university study."
optimising business solutions for Foundation partnered with a
clients... but this is also a company women's organisation, Soroptimist Since inception, the Shree
with a deep-seated social International Durban Club - of Future Foundation has entirely
conscience. which Annisha Shree is also a funded full-time bursaries for
member and Past President - three students. Each bursary
e company balances its drive giving eect to a range of social includes total tuition funding
to create environments conducive initiatives. for four years, text book
to business optimisation with an requirements, a laptop and
inherent commitment to creating "e delivery to young people transport costs, coupled with
a better future for the historically of a sound tertiary education, emotional support and
disadvantaged. In 2014 and regardless of their backgrounds mentorship. Beneciaries are also
looking beyond business, the and economic circumstances is an aorded a year's work experience
Shree Future Foundation was imperative and our primary aim within Shree Property Holdings,
established, recognising that South is to provide all-encompassing grooming graduates for careers in
Africa is aected by innumerable tertiary education for deserving the world of work.
socio-economic challenges. learners from disadvantaged
environments," added Shree. Supported graduates have
Commenting, Annisha Shree, proved 'absolute diamonds’, the
Chief Financial Ocer of Shree Accordingly, the Shree Future result of the selection
Property Holdings and founder Foundation, supported by methodology, together with the
of the Shree Future Foundation, Soroptimist Durban, has learners' commitment to repaying BACK L-R: Annisha Shree, Saijal Bandulal, Yatisha Ramdarie
said, "Just as the company assists developed a model for identifying the faith placed in them. FRONT L-R: Mehroonisa Jugdhaw, Pamela usi, Mehendhi Jugdhaw
business enterprises overcome deserving schools and hosting
their challenges, so our Foundation events to inform school principals Soroptimist Durban has, to date, disadvantaged learners is critical a year for a four-year period, or
assists the disempowered conquer and teachers about the criteria it funded one UNISA student's and we want to support 10 local multiple years, up to the cost of a
obstacles to self-development." applies in evaluating potential part-time study and a need exists learners with bursaries per year full bursary, collectively enabling
bursary candidates. now to expand the bursary for four years and roll this over us to change the life of learners
programme, but it faces funding annually. is aim will only be and their families forever."
Soroptimist Durban President, constraints in the quest to meeting sustainable with business
Saijal Bandulal, said, "We have its simple intent, 'building our support," said Ramdarie. e launch of the Soroptimist
found that our more disadvantaged community one graduate at a Durban Bursary Foundation is
schools and learners know little time'. Bandulal added, "In order for scheduled for the rst quarter of
about the mechanics of applying Soroptimist Durban to obtain 2018. Details will be advertised
for bursaries, meaning many Acknowledging the vast funds, we are launching a bursary shortly and those interested in
learners with exceptional numbers of disadvantaged growth drive and invite attending the launch event and
academic results are denied learners 'slipping through the individuals, businesses and joining the bursary funding drive
study opportunities because of cracks' as a consequence of corporates to partner with us to are invited to email:
aordability issues." nancial constraints, the aim is to fund bursaries so that deserving or
take the bursary scheme to a new candidates can go to university." call 083 777 1790.
Yatisha Ramdarie, Past level, whilst ensuring programme
President of Soroptimist Durban sustainability. She added, "We appeal to
said: "We employ sound KwaZulu-Natal's business
methodology for the evaluation "Creating educational community to come on-board,
Annisha Shree of candidates, including a panel opportunities for star pledging from as little as R5 000
D urban may contribute Durban, in general, within the and execute deals. Du Toit remains upbeat about
14% of South Africa’s Gross
broader national property market
the prospects despite the
Domestic Product (GDP)
experience has taught him the
been through one of the toughest
but it doesn’t have 14% of the big in order to attract big property Du Toit says that prior challenging economy. “We have
property players active in the importance of building a strong economic years this country has
market. To attract these “Even though there are platform in the market place. faced in a long time. With GDP
companies, it is important to Johannesburg based consultants growth sitting where it is, it is a
deliver the message that now is and bankers who know what is He says that, going forward, dicult operating environment
a time of great investment happening here, the general Tongaat Hulett Developments will for all businesses. However, you
opportunities. market still remains uninformed,” package parts of its portfolio as a attract dierent investors in these
he points out. pipeline. “is phased approach is times and you develop suitable
at’s according to Chris du good for big developers who look projects. is is where a portfolio
Toit, the newly appointed Michael Deighton, managing for serious scale.” approach is valuable,” he says.
Commercial Head for Tongaat director of Tongaat Hulett
Hulett Developments. Developments, said that du Toit’s “In the past, we have embarked Du Toit notes that Tongaat
appointment, which was eective on high end residential, Hulett Developments has a
As the nancial hub of our from 1 November 2017, marked commercial or industrial team of talented people to take
country, Johannesburg tends to be an important milestone in the developments. With a longer- land conversion through to
ercely competitive, operating organisation’s renewal journey and term portfolio approach, the focus development. “We need to be
with a distinctive pace and would play an important role in will now be more on mixed use astute as to how we monetise and
intensity. attracting larger strategic investors developments with a number of develop the portfolio.”
to the region. large projects coming up,” he
Still in the throes of relocating explains. He is looking forward to being
his family to Durban, du Toit Du Toit holds a B. Compt, Hons part of this team and to contribute
will commute to and from degree, CA(SA) and Securities & Existing projects such as towards the evolving landscape
Johannesburg, using this as an Investment Institute certicate in Cornubia, which will be a “Despite the economy being a
inspiration to attract more Corporate Finance. He has over landmark investment because challenge, we have the ability to
potential investors to the East 16 years’ experience as a corporate of its location, access and roll out development and respond
Coast. nance professional gained infrastructure, and Sibaya are to the economic climate. It is not
across Europe, Africa and North good foundations. New portfolio just business as usual.
He sees his new role as America and is a strong developments which are lined up
positioning Tongaat Hulett relationship builder which will keep the ball rolling. Chris du Toit,
Tongaat Hulett Developments
Developments, in particular, and supports his ability to originate new Commercial Head.