Page 6 - KZN Business Sense- Vol5 No4
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Roslyn Argall, Sales is growing. An ERP solution can have access to the same live data, will find that this is no longer a pertaining to a specific customer
and PR Manager, go a long way towards resolving and therefore streamlining the sustainable system. Managing or customer branch.
Omni Accounts - many stumbling blocks that are process. It doesn’t need to be this information can become
C.K. Services experienced as a result of this pointed out that a business will time-consuming and expensive. In Conclusion
expansion, setting the company be a more productive and efficient ERP software will work off data statement that every company
Instead of making a blanket
M any Using Multiple Software to profits. automatically generate essential needs ERP software, I think it’s
on the path to success!
company overall, which translates
which has been captured and
information like sales margins,
better to say that, despite there
the Business is Becoming
Throughout the Company
companies find Platforms for Different Purposes The Accounting Aspect of the sales history of a specific being some more obvious industry
customer or market trends, to
matches for ERP software, it’s
their curiosity Many companies find that Increasingly Frustrating name a few, saving time, money quite difficult to imagine an
piqued and there are lots of different Accounting staff find their and sanity. industry that would not benefit
are intrigued platforms being used in various workflow cumbersome and from implementing an Enterprise
by the idea of departments. The team in Sales become frustrated when they are Meeting Customer Demand Has Resource Planning Application.
implementing Enterprise Resource uses one system to take and forced to spend their time adding Become a Struggle
Planning (ERP) software in order fill orders, but the Accounts the same information to multiple It goes without saying that Omni Accounts ERP Software
to streamline their workflow, department uses another databases. An ERP system customers are the lifeblood of a Solution has products designed
increasing scalability within their system to track the orders. The tidies this process up neatly business, so keeping them happy with various business stages in
business. But they are unsure if it’s same is often true for multiple by providing a single platform is paramount to the success mind; the package grows with your
business. Our ERP software can
the right step to take. Does it apply departments in a single company, with which to work. After of an operation. If a company be specifically tailor-made to your
to their Industry? Is the timing causing difficulties keeping the implementing an ERP system, starts battling to fulfil customer business environment resulting in
right? Is it ‘overkill’? Will their staff multiple systems up to date, not only will reports be far easier expectation such as inability to
be receptive to the learning curve and resulting in things falling to access and generate, but they meet orders due to growth in a perfect fit every time.
and change that new software through the cracks as it’s virtually will also be much more accurate, product demand there are many
inevitably brings about? impossible to ensure completely resulting in a simplified, better competitors out there waiting to For more information please call
0861 666 472 or visit
accurate transferring between experience for those using it. welcome them with open arms,
Although there is no defined these systems. In short, it’s a risk that no company wants
time that determines when a really easy to lose track of all It Has Become Difficult to Access to take. ERP software enables
company is ready to implement of those spreadsheets and end Information companies to organise and access
an ERP software solution, it is up with inaccurate data. With Although it is true that their data from a central location,
generally a good idea to start ERP software, multiple business information can be gathered assisting with problems that
seriously considering one if the functions can be integrated on from platforms like spreadsheets range from inventory tracking
company is about to expand, or one platform, ensuring that and entered into one place to difficulties to retrieving financial
if it is already suffering because it teams in multiple departments analyse, a growing business or purchase history information
LCNG (Pty) Ltd (SLCNG), vital utilities (such as electricity) considered to be unsurpassed for
a wholly-owned subsidiary required for its operation. It also transportation purposes. Eighty
Sof SLG (Pty) Ltd (SLG) and has strong service level agreements five countries on five continents
South Africa’s largest supplier of with international CNG original use it for their natural gas vehicles
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), equipment manufacturers (OEMs) (NGVs), which number up to 20
commenced operations in 2015. to facilitate collaboration and million. Other reasons for its
ensure that SLCNG’s plant and popularity include:
The company’s unique CNG
technology allows for efficient and delivery vessels meet international ■ its 70-year history of proven
standards in respect of quality and
cost effective delivery of relatively reliability. These steps ensure a technology
large volumes of gas to customers reliable CNG supply value chain. ■ its use of a 600-degree Celsius
within a 150 kilometres radius of ignition temperature compared
its facility near Durban, opening SLCNG is a Level 1 B-BBEE to 450 degrees for LPG and
up a new gas market that is remote company (100% black-owned) and petroleum, making it a much
from the existing gas pipeline prides itself on its transformation safer fuel
infrastructure. Methane-rich gas agenda, with more than 60% of its ■ its ability to function in a large
is compressed at its facility in 17 full time employees being female range of conditions as well as its
Umbogintwini Industrial Complex, (including its Head of Operations). inability to freeze (common with
loaded into pressurised vessels and The company has had resounding diesel)
trucked to customers. successes in its operations and ■ its ability to reduce CO
continues to be entrusted to emissions by 95% (compared
Customers convert to CNG from
various fuels such as LPG, IP, diesel supply Just-In-Time CNG to to petrol, hydrocarbon emissions
customers, one of which is JSE listed (80%) and nitrogen oxides (30%))
and petrol because it is 20-30% manufacturer in Pietermaritzburg.
cheaper and emits 20-40% less CO Although SLCNG was conceived
and CO . It is also completely safe Since SLCNG’s inception, it has to initially target the industrial
to use and SLCNG provides its continuously invested in delivery sector, it has potential for
customers with continuous training equipment and in the facility to natural gas-powered vehicles. To
and technical support to ensure increase its compression capacity. leverage this advantage, SLCNG
that they do so safely and efficiently. These measures have contributed has commenced a pilot test with the
SLCNG’s highly qualified technical towards its 100% redundancy and OEMs of heavy-duty commercial
staff manage the conversion of new the reliability of the supply. SLCNG vehicles. It is anticipated that
customers’ existing combustion undertakes a close analysis of SLCNG will have an advantage
systems to CNG and install customers’ processes to understand over its competitors in this
any necessary equipment to their production patterns and endeavour due to its established
depressurise the gas. any operational bottlenecks. This operations.
enables technicians to respond to
SLCNG’s compression facility
is located within a national key any difficulties without delay. T: 031 812 0555
point to ensure the reliability of Globally, CNG is globally E: