Page 7 - KZN Business Sense- Vol5 No4
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nvest Durban Unit has won nominated and awarded
something of a “double- Invest Durban Unit as
Icrown” set of awards this the “Best City Investment
year. At the June 2019 World Promotion Team for Africa”
Forum for FDI in Sydney, the in 2019.
respected international Conway These two awards and
Group of investment analysts certificates will take pride
and advisors bestowed the award of place in the growing
of 2019’s “Top Metropolitan accolades for eThekwini’s
Investment Promotion Agency” investment promotion and
for the whole African continent facilitation authority. The
to our Invest Durban Unit.
Invest Durban Unit Team
Secondly, via a completely wishes to give thanks to
separate and independent process, all supportive partners
another authority conveyed a and stakeholders whom
similar award on this same unit. have positively assisted
At a ceremony held in July in this great work, and
London, an organisation known constructively participated
as Capital Finance International, in helping us earn
working in collaboration with these top achievements,
the United Nations, World Bank, together... for the benefit of
NEPAD and other authorities, ALL.
Laiela Dorasamy, Ahavah Consulting begin streaming in, and gifts are this simply becomes a tick on the will bring a smile and convey a they also tend to lack longevity.
being purchased. to do list as more pressing issues sincere message of gratitude. A good idea would be to couple
demand our attention. or replace these with items that
s we enter the final Whether you are a planner, or a We are often asked what is the are practical, functional, fun or
quarter of the year, our last minute ‘grab a box of biscuits’ I myself have been the recipient difference between a corporate creative. Items that will serve
Afocus begins to shift in type of gift giver, many people of many corporate gifts that or a promotional gift? While the as a long-term reminder and be
anticipation of the merriment fail to consider the message that tend to sit on my desk gathering actual items are interchangeable, appreciated.
of the festive season. Holidays is being communicated through dust, are passed on, or are simply the manner in which they are
are being planned, party invites these gifts. In the busyness of life, useless to me. I have also received given vary. It seems as if these gift giving
a small number of very thoughtful, occasions tend to sneak up on
tasteful and memorable items, Promotional items are pretty us from nowhere, and many
which I continue to hold dear, much what their name suggests; often resort to a desperate last-
and serve as a fond reminder of items that are given with the minute purchase, which rarely
the gift giver. purpose of promoting a business communicates the intended
or creating brand awareness. message.
Do you ask yourself, “what These are usually purchased in
do I want this gift to say to the bulk quantities, boldly branded Choosing the best items to
recipient?” Perhaps ‘Thank you! and distributed to a broader represent your business can
I value your business’ or ‘Your market, through marketing be time consuming, so we
support means a lot to me’. initiatives such as goody bag encourage our clients to stay in
Perhaps you want them to feel inserts, promotional activities, in touch with us throughout the
special, valued and appreciated. store giveaways and pack inserts, year, as we share new ranges on
Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned to name a few. a regular basis. This can be done
via our Facebook page as well
that people will forget what you Think of promotional items as as our website where you can
said, people will forget what you an ongoing advertisement for download catalogues, as well as
did, but people will never forget your brand. Every time someone
how you made them feel”. uses a pen with your logo on it, search a wide range of products.
We are always eager to consult
In business, people want to you will remain top of mind. and source items to create
deal with people; the clinical, Corporate gifts are given to
impersonal approach is dying specific recipients, with a more custom gifts that are unexpected
and make your clients’ feel like
a slow and welcome death, personal approach, designed
as personal relationships to show gratitude, strengthen kids on Christmas morning,
keeping your message and
become the glue that solidifies relationships and serve as
business deals. Trust, mutual reminders. These are purchased budget in mind.
respect, and outstanding in comparatively smaller
service are key ingredients to quantities, on key occasions T: 072 298 0148
ensure longstanding business such as year end, Women’s Day, E:
partnerships. Easter, or to celebrate milestones. F:
So, come year-end, what They are directed at specific W:
message are you communicating individuals and can therefore be
to the people who have made your personalised. Personal gifts are
year a successful one? often left unbranded or bear more
subtle branding, creating a more
Gifts need not be extravagant, sincere feel.
but rather heartfelt and sincere.
Even with the smallest budgets, While treat hampers, alcohol
Laiela Dorasamy we can recommend solutions that and flowers are popular items,