Page 9 - KZN Business Sense- Vol5 No4
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Grant Gavin, Founder Making an assumption, and 2. Alternatively, you make an or you haven’t heard back you will be able to open up a
of the Durban then believing the assumption assumption about a from a client, don’t make conversation and drive it to a
Entrepreneurs Club as truth is like making a person or situation based on assumptions as to why they’ve deeper level of understanding by
decision without all the a projected response that you gone quiet. Rather, pick up the not only mirroring what the other
available information, and you would give to the situation phone and communicate. Ask person is saying to you, but also
othing know how dangerous it can i.e. You’re projecting your more questions, and uncover by asking clarifying questions on
in your be to take actions based on an own understanding or value the objection or real reason why
Nlife unconfirmed truth. system onto another. they’re stalling. anything you are unclear about.
will hold you You gain so much more from a
back or cause How often have you made Either way, you’re reacting to a The same goes for any personal conversation by listening than you
you more the mistake of relying on an lack of information by believing relationship too. Before you do by talking.
pain than assumption in your business in an unconfirmed truth, and this take any reaction personally, By asking better questions and
ask questions and engage in
the result of environment, or in your personal can be incredibly destructive. communication to satisfy any issue by listening more attentively, you
an incorrect relationships, that have ended up So how do you avoid making that remains unclear in your mind. will find that you will naturally
assumption. causing yourself (and others) so this mistake in the future? need to make fewer assumptions.
much pain and suffering? Some of the best relationships
Regardless 1. Ask More Questions. When you will have are those where By making fewer assumptions,
of the context, or whether the You make assumptions for one of you don’t know something, or communication, founded on trust, you will make better decisions in
assumption is made in your two reasons: are lacking enough is open and direct. both your business and in your
personal life, or in a business 1. You assume something about information to clearly 2. Be a more Attentive Listener. personal life.
environment, the problem for a person or situation because of understand a situation, People tell you so much more Try it this month.
you and I is that we do this a past truth. You’ve assume nothing. Rather, by their body language and
constantly. experienced something similar ask more questions. Don›t die actions, than by the words
before, and therefore you wondering about anything. Grant Gavin is the Founder of
The human mind has an attach an assumed outcome that come out of their mouths. the Durban Entrepreneurs Club,
amazing ability to lead itself based on your past experience. The pain of asking the Being an attentive listener International Speaker, Business Coach
and owner of RE/MAX Panache, the
to powerful conclusions, once For example, “my client is not question is far less than the requires that you are present largest real estate company in the North
pain of not knowing the
you make an assumption, you taking my call and therefore answer. in the moment, listening with Durban suburbs.
convince yourself that this is he is avoiding me and is not your eyes, ears and mind. To sign up for his Sunday Startup weekly
now the gospel truth. interested in my quote.” If you’re waiting on an order, When listening attentively, email, visit
pioneering training Apart from gaining theoretical
initiative that began as a and practical knowledge at the
A dream many years ago has Midlands Hospitality Academy,
finally become a reality for the all the students will be absorbed
Capitol Caterers Group. Speaking into Capitol Caterers contracts
at the official opening of the during the course to gain their
Midlands Hospitality Academy, in-service experience in fully
joint MD of Capitol Caterers, operating kitchens. This hands-on
Merrill King explained how the experience will enrich their CVs
idea of starting an academy had immensely and ensure far better
always been a desire, but that job prospects for their future.
the “red tape and administrative In time, the MHA plans to open
commitment had been eye-
wateringly terrifying”. Thus the its doors to housewives, students
and foodies, or anyone wishing
idea of an academy had remained to expand their repertoire in the
just a dream.
culinary field. Cook-offs and
But with the everchanging Master Chef type competitions
demands of BBBEE and the focus are also in the pipeline as team-
on skills development together building initiatives for businesses
with the need to up-skill and and staff motivation “But
promote their own workforce, Janet Mill, the company’s HR director officially opened the MHA premises. whatever the event, it will be
the challenge to start a training sure to include unusual activities
school managed entirely by boasts a state-of-the-art kitchen strategy and goals. Our greatest 4), Cook Convenience, Food dressed up with lashings of fun!”
Capitol Caterers became a with 10 workstations as well as goal is to see our employees being Service Assistant and Kitchen said Kelvin when asked for his
Cleaner, all carrying an NQF
lecture facilities to accommodate
promoted from within our skills
top priority. Delving into the 20 students at a time. A rigorous and training programme”. 2 qualification. The QCTO future plans.
administrative intricacies of
applying for accreditation was process was followed to ensure Kelvin Phillips added that the accredited Chef Course will run So, the dream has finally
amiably managed by Kelvin certification of the facilities as an primary motivation behind over three years and carries an become a reality and what better
NQF level 5 accreditation. Each
accredited training provider and
way to reach that dream than
Phillips, who’s quiet demeanour the academy has been endorsed by MHA is “to build a repository of course covers comprehensive knowing it will impact on the
overlaid his dogged determination skills to satisfy Capitol Caterers’
to achieve results. His success in both QCTO and CATHSSETA. voracious appetite for growth, but theory, practical and workplace well-being and future of so many
getting the project off the ground Janet Mill, the company’s HR to also both deepen and widen experience components. people as they too will reach
their personal, educational and
swiftly earned him a well-deserved director officially opened the the levels of proficiency in the MHA is also committed to
promotion from training manager MHA premises at an elegant catering industry”. He added that training the unemployed and at upskilling milestones.
to the director of MHA. evening attended by educators, it was anticipated that by year present 36 unemployed youths
suppliers, clients and the media. end, at least 40 employees would have had their lives immeasurably T: +27 (0)33 394 0310
However, securing appropriate E:
premises proved challenging She expressed her delight in be trained on a full qualification changed by qualifying for the W:
and a further 150 on various
witnessing the dream becoming
Cook Convenient Course, a three-
and it took the better part of six a reality saying, “Capitol Caterers skills programmes. month NQF 2 accredited course.
months before an historic home in recognises that the training Eighty students applied and were
Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg was CATHSSETA accredited
found to be the perfect venue. In and development of our staff is courses on offer include interviewed for the 36 positions,
with the final places given to those
fundamental to the improvement
August 2018 remodelling began of our operational performance Professional Cookery, a who presented good school grades
and with a start-up investment and the achievement of our 1-year NQF 4 qualification, and displayed a passion for food.
tag of R2.5 million, MHA now Assistant Chef (6 months NQF