Page 2 - KZN Top Business Awards 2017
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I mraan Noorbhai, Standard
Bank Provincial Head KZN,
says, “I attest that I see the
need to keep learning and
enquiring. I am never satised
with the basics and always
demand to know more, ask more,
and seek more in my quest to have
a better understanding of the
industry I operate in and the
outside world and how things
interconnect with each other in
the global village.”
Over the years, this philosophy
has driven his career path.
Noorbhai studied at the University
of Durban Westville where he
completed his formal studies as an
accountant. ereaer, he joined
Desai Jadwat Inc. where he served
his articles as a trainee accountant.
He commented, “As is customary I
recall being successful within 24
hours of completing my articles.”
Noorbhai then joined the motor
industry at a company called
Competition Motors as General
Manager for the facility in
Johannesburg. Within two years
he was approached by a core
supplier of Competition Motors to
join their team as Financial
Manager in Kyalami. His Imraan Noorbhai and Vivian Reddy who was recognised as the Business Personality of the Year
departure from the motor
industry was in 1998, where he RE5 and RE1 (Key Individual) prosperity and wellbeing of the asks me ‘what’s my next…’. For me tness levels like jogging and
assumed the role as accountant at examinations. societies in which we operate in, it’s about enjoying every moment swimming. My perfect holiday
Standard Bank Personal and positively driving Africa’s growth at work and home. I guess the destinations will always be exotic
Business Banking SA. In most instances he says that in a sustainable and inclusive way.” Chinese talk about work life islands where I can just enjoy the
his greatest learnings have been balance as ‘it does not exist’, it’s all beauty and nature.”
His career at Standard Bank derived from horizontal moves in Standard Bank has: about co-existence. I enjoy quiet
spanned various roles from Sales an organisation that allows him to time with family and ensure I do
and Distribution to Accountant, test his abilities across dierent • Secured the financial wellbeing plan some activity to sustain some
Management Accountant, environments. is he says of 5033 South Africans by
Financial Manager and nally strengthens one’s capabilities to restructuring loans for 38
Director Finance for Customer navigate the complex world of drought impacted agriculture CELEBRATING
Channels PBB (SA). Noorbhai was business. clients
nominated as a Star and Super • Provided more than 90 000
Star performer over ve years. “My style has changed as the homes with sustainable BUSINESS SUCCESS
demands of the modern world has electricity by partnering with
In 2010 Noorbhai decided to evolved. I am always trying to be Solar energy providers and he 2017 Standard Bank province, we want to be aligned
take up a business opportunity in more engaging and supportive generating 190MW of solar T KwaZulu-Natal Top to brands that are reputable and
KwaZulu-Natal as Head Retail whilst ensuring that as a leader I energy Business Awards powered respected in our province.”
Banking. He said that his career meet the demands that our • Made banking easier, safer and by the eLan Property Group were
breakthrough was when he was customers require of us. I have faster for millions of South held at a glamourous gala event Publisher of the KZN Top
appointed Director Finance at learnt that the team approach is Africans by processing 14.6 on ursday 3 August at e Business Portfolio, Lalita
Standard Bank and in 2015 Head key to a successful leader where million instant money Wavehouse, Gateway, uMhlanga. Dhasiar-Ventura said, “ese
Province KwaZulu-Natal. collaboration and servant transactions e much anticipated event Awards recognise and pay tribute
leadership paves the way for • Given 257 university students celebrated the achievements of to the successes of the world
During this time he was ultimate success,” explained access to a brighter tomorrow KwaZulu-Natal’s top companies class enterprises we have in
successful in being nominated for Noorbhai. by investing R70 million in and organisations in dierent KwaZulu-Natal.
three prestigious leadership bursaries industry sectors, in both the
programmes facilitated by GIBBS. Currently, Noorbhai is also an • Ensures reliable treatment for private and public sectors. e Standard Bank
One in New York, one in active member of the KZN Cancer patients by nancing KwaZulu-Natal Top Business
China/Hong Kong / Nigeria and Growth Coalition, SAIPA, SAICA, radiology equipment in 98 Key note speaker, Goolam Awards powered by the eLan
one in London. the Durban Chamber of Kenyan hospitals Ballim, Chief Economist: Head Property Group’s criteria have
Commerce, and the Minara • Supported 560 000 small scale Standard Bank Research, been drawn from the principles
He says that success is always Chamber. farmers in Kenya by improving provided a thought provoking of the King IV™ Report on
about never being content with payment methods to them account of the South African Corporate Governance™ in South
what you have but to seek out the Speaking of Standard Bank • Helped grow hundreds of black economy, including some key Africa 2016. In line with King
opportunities that lie ahead. “I Noorbhai says, “We see ourselves owned businesses by providing statistics on nancial trends over IV, the Awards focus on the
challenge the status quo, always more than just a bank and R502 million in loans they the past seventeen years and organisation/company success in
seeking better ways to get the job measure our value beyond would not otherwise have had forecasts for the future. relationship to the economic,
done and the need to move away nancial outcomes. By using the access. environmental and social spheres
from the conventional if it’s not fundamental power of nancial eLan Property Group, CEO in KwaZulu-Natal. Factors such
working. is attitude to life I services and operating in a “My plans to 2020 is to continue Mark Taylor said, “We are as brand and reputation,
believe is one of the reasons for sustainable and inclusive way we to build a strong brand team and delighted to continue to be part stakeholder relations and
my success. Seeking knowledge have been able to make many brand in KwaZulu-Natal and of this event as they rightfully goodwill, environmental
from cradle to grave and learning positive contributions socially, ensure that I leave a positive recognise some of the best sustainability, social
from my mistakes,” said Noorbhai. economically and environmentally. legacy when I do move and take businesses KZN has to oer. responsibility, and quality of
Every Standard Banker plays a on dierent challenges,” said With our vast experience of governance are all taken into
He recently completed the part in delivering our purpose and Noorbhai. dealing with business in the account.
Financial Advisory and with this commitment we will
Intermediary Services (FAIS) Act continue to contribute to the He concluded, “My team always