Page 6 - KZN Top Business Awards 2017
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WINNER comes to serving our millions of giving good service and carrying a
shoppers that they will “Never pay wide range of products for the
BOXER SUPERSTORES more than the Boxer price.” home, as well as supporting its
rough Boxer's low prices, value
employees and the communities
B oxer is an all ‘under one for money campaigns and the stores operate in.
continued expansion, the business
roof’ discount supermarket
has contributed to KZN’s economy
that is this year celebrating
its 40 years anniversary. Today this through income, production and PHARMACIES
business provides employment for spending.
over 13 5000 sta members and S parkport is a household name
boasts over 240 stores – including FINALISTS and a recognised innovator in
the formats: Boxer Superstores, the healthcare sector with a
Boxer Build, Boxer Punch & vision for complete aordable and
Boxer Liquors. In addition Boxer HIRSCH’S accessible health care as well as the
has a meat processing factory and widest possible range of goods at
provincial Distribution Centre in H irsch’s has built a solid competitive prices.
KwaZulu-Natal. e company’s reputation by being
mission is to ensure that when it associated with big brands, Boxer's Managing Director Mr Eugene Stoop together with Customer & Corporate Liaison
Manager Oxley Sidali, accepted the award
WINNER works to add value and reduce to cook nutritious food, while
waste in businesses. Green Oce saving the user time and
SMARTXCHANGE is the founder of greenABLE, a electricity. Intrinsic to the brand is
non-prot organisation that
the aim to change people’s lives for
S martXchange is an innovation creates employment and skills the better with over one million
development opportunities for
bags being sold to date.
node and a dynamic young
previously disadvantaged
business incubation centre
established to promote and individuals with disabilities. e Wonderbag’s factory and
support the region’s vision to be greenABLE’s recycling initiative head oce is based in Tongaat,
the technology hub of Africa. e sees beneciaries working to clean with the intention of upliing this
SmartXchange strategic focus and dismantle collected printer North Coast community and
places an emphasis on job creation cartridges. creating job opportunities for local
and economic enhancement. residents. With every purchase
WONDERBAG made a percentage of proceeds
FINALISTS he Wonderbag is a proudly goes towards the Wonderbag
Foundation, which is a non-prot
GREEN OFFICE T South African portable slow organisation that distributes
cooker that was the
Wonderbags into rural African
G reen Oce is an brainchild of a female South communities for families in SmartXchange won the Community and Social Services Award
African social entrepreneur, Sarah
independent document
Collins. It provides a practical way
solutions provider that
WINNER Titanium Dioxide production 1976, RBM’s growth stimulates
assets of Cristal, a privately held employment, infrastructural
TRONOX global chemical and mining development, and encourages the
uptake of skills within the local
company. With the acquisition of
T ronox Limited is unique Cristal’s Titanium Dioxide workforce.
production assets, Tronox will
among its peers, in that it is
RBM is a signicant contributor
become the largest and most
the only fully integrated
mineral sands producer. Of the highly integrated TiO2 producer to the economy of KwaZulu-Natal
seven ilmenite smelters in the in the world. It will now have and accounts for a large
world Tronox remains the only operations on six continents, percentage of KwaZulu-Natal’s
company which further processes managing 19 plants. mining output and about 3.3 per
the smelter slag to produce nal FINALIST cent of the national mining sector
saleable products – Titanium by value of output. e company is
pigment. Tronox is also part of the also one of the major employers in
biggest black owned mining RICHARDS BAY MINERALS the province.
company in South Africa, with
Exxaro Resources being the R ichards Bay Minerals (RBM) e development of local
majority Shareholder. is a world leader in heavy suppliers and host community
enterprises ensures that the
mineral sands extraction and
In February 2017, Tronox rening; and South Africa’s largest benets of RBM's mining activities Nhlanhlenhle Mngoma, Natalie Keegan and Veeash Oomardath receiving the mining award
announced the acquisition of the mineral sands producer and are directed to its host on behalf of Tronox
beneciation company. Formed in communities.
Andrew ompson (eLan Property Group, Cobus Naude (eLan), Linda Majola Nathan Govender, Dhershin Govender, Natasha Bugwandin, David White, Akhona Mahlati, Zakheni Dlamini, Daisy White, Sherwyn and
(Swaxol Trading), Mark Taylor (eLan), Ntokozo Mayisela (Swaxol Trading) Kuben Govender, and Chin Govender Karen Esbend
and Mike Schuit (eLan) on behalf of Tronox