Page 4 - KZN Top Business Awards 2017
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WINNER in South Africa, and the SADC KwaZulu-Natal. Approximately
region. Value creation for all 94% of the sugarcane throughput
TONGAAT HULETT stakeholders through an for its mills is procured from
private growers farming on
all-inclusive approach to growth
T ongaat Hulett is an and development is a key focus communal, state and private title
land. Illovo is an agri-processor
area for the business and Tongaat
agriculture and
with heavy industrial plant
Hulett regards its constructive
agri-processing business,
focusing on the complementary interfaces with governments and situated in the deep rural areas. As
feedstocks of sugarcane and maize. society to be of signicant a large employer, Illovo is well
Its ongoing activities in agriculture importance. aware of the signicant economic
have resulted in the company activity the diversied supply
having a substantial land portfolio Societal dynamics are chain supports.
within the primary growth increasingly relevant, and
corridors of KwaZulu-Natal with therefore the strong relationships Illovo has established itself as a
strong policy support for that Tongaat Hulett has developed reliable implementing agent of
conversion at the appropriate with various stakeholders are of multi-stakeholder agricultural
time. A core element of Tongaat signicant importance. ese developments focused on Nkonzo Mhlongo, Tongaat Hulett Socio-Economic Development Manager, receiving the
Hulett’s strategic vision is to partnering relationships continue communal farmers and land Agriculture Award (Photo credit: ISh K Bugwandass, eLan Property Group)
maximise the value generated to contribute towards the reform beneciaries in situations
from the conversion of land in the achievement of the business’s where sugarcane is selected as the NCT FORESTRY pulp chips and the largest forestry
portfolio by responding to key strategic objectives, while also most suitable enterprise to derive CO-OPERATIVE marketing organisation in south.
demand drivers and identifying its meeting the objectives of its value from the land. Illovo NCT also has limited access to
optimal end use for all various stakeholders, including guarantees a market for sugarcane N CT Forestry Co-operative international biofuel markets.
stakeholders. rough its sugar shareholders, governments, from these projects and provides Limited is a marketing
and starch operations, Tongaat private farmers and their extension, administrative / co-operative for private and NCT’s mission is to assist
Hulett produces a range of rened representative bodies, governance and mentorship independent timber growers members to achieve their full
carbohydrate products from communities, employees and support and has a vested interest established in 1949. forestry potential and optimise
sugarcane and maize, with a people impacted by the company’s in delivering successful projects nancial results on a sustainable
number of products being operations and its growth and because of its position in the value As a co-operative, its members basis.
interchangeable. Global sweetener development activities. chain. Apart from the direct who share in prots, own NCT.
markets continue to be dynamic FINALISTS products of sugar milling (brown Today membership stands at 1 800 Members not only benet from
and the business seeks to optimise sugar, rened sugar and molasses), shareholding members, the wide range of services NCT
its various market positions, which are sold mainly in the representing a total area of over oers, but also share in its prots
leveraging o its current base to ILLOVO SUGAR SOUTH domestic market, the sugarcane 300 000ha - 21% of aorested land and qualify for bonuses based on
maximise revenue from these AFRICA bre (bagasse) is used to power in South Africa. their patronage and committed
products. e business’s sugar the factories with steam and supply, depending on available
operations are well placed to I llovo Sugar South Africa (Pty) electricity and value-added NCT is recognised as an funds.
benet from evolving dynamics of Ltd has a long history and products (ethanol, syrup, avours, international supplier of quality
renewable electricity and ethanol proud association with furfural and furfuryl derivatives) round wood timber, hardwood
primary agriculture in are sold internationally.
WINNER manufacturing sector. Frimax precious spring water. aQuellé is
Foods now operates a 12 000m² dedicated to delivering an
FRIMAX FOODS high-tech processing plant in innovative, aordable and genuine
brand of water, and has always
Verulam, KwaZulu-Natal.
O n the 20 October 1982, the Products manufactured include been synonymous with the highest
potato chips, corn chips, maize
standards of quality and product
very rst packet of potato
chips was produced by a
100% for people, the company is
new start-up company in pus and nax. excellence. With aQuellé being
Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal Frimax Foods as an organisation rmly committed to upliing the
(then Natal) called Frimax Foods, has always embraced a culture of community and has the interests if
headed by a 37 year old visionary, charity, community development its people at heart.
Mr Haroon Essa. is year, this and poverty alleviation
very same company is celebrating throughout its existence. FUTURELIFE®
its 35 year anniversary. e
company’s directors now include FINALISTS F ounded in 2007, Futurelife®, Shamir Essa (holding the trophy), Baboo Essa (holding the certicate), together with
his sons, Abdool Kader (Baboo), started as a social project in Bilal Essa received the award for Frimax
KwaZulu-Natal with the
Shamir and Faizel Essa. AQUELLÉ vision to create the most and launched into retail. A decade to their vision they have served
Frimax Foods has grown to T ucked away in the heart of nutritional product possible to later – Futurelife® is now over 9.2 million meals through the
become a household name and a KwaZulu-Natal, beneath the improve the health and wellbeing represented in four FMCG Futurelife® Foundation to those
major player in the multibillion- earth’s surface, ows of everyone. Futurelife® grew so categories and has become a most in need.
rand potato and corn snack aQuellé’s exceptionally pure and popular that it was repackaged leading health brand. Staying true
debuted by manufacturing
C manufacturing face bricks, C onstantia Afripack is the South Africa. In the last 80 years,
the very rst electric stove in
orobrik is South Africa’s
leading brickmaker,
most modern consumer
the brand has further entrenched
exible packaging plant with
plaster bricks, pavers and concrete investments in leading edge rst its footprint in South African
earth retaining systems. world technology. From humble households through the
Established in 1902, the company’s beginnings, in 1933, as a producer manufacture of durable goods
head oce is in Durban with a of cement sacks, the company now such as ovens, washing machines,
footprint in every major centre dryers, and small domestic
throughout South Africa. has eight production sites in three appliances. is has led to Defy
Corobrik believes that as a market countries – South Africa, Kenya becoming the largest white goods
leader, it is their responsibility to and Mauritius. e company is manufacturer in the country while
help provide social infrastructure, also exploring an expanded Africa presenting the largest product Nicolene John and Musa Shangase of receiving the award on behalf of Corobrik
from schools and hospitals to presence in order to follow range in Southern Africa. Defy (Photo credit: ISh K Bugwandass, eLan Property Group)
libraries and community centres, multinational customer's growth endeavours to nd solutions to
to build a better tomorrow into Africa. current economic conditions, such by engineering products, which eco-ecient life. ‘We believe in
together. as electricity and water shortages help you to live a cleaner, Better’.