Page 5 - KZN Top Business Awards 2017
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NATAL JOINT MUNICIPAL KPMG F MI has just turned 21 and is
PENSION FUND PMG’s nance and advisory a business that is making a
dierence. e company
N he NJMPF is at the K teams work shoulder-to- develops life insurance products
that protect against the nancial
forefront of retirement
shoulder with you to
impact of an injury, illness or even
funding administration
excellence. Having scooped a total address the challenges of a volatile death by providing an income if
and complex economic
you are unable to work. FMI is
of 21 South African awards and 12 environment. e rm leverages now also poised for huge growth
international awards in recent the knowledge and skills across its being recently backed by Bidvest.
years, the NJMPF is the most global network of rms to develop
awarded retirement fund in South practical recommendations THE UNLIMITED
Africa. e Fund’s tenacity, designed to help you work Sam Camilleri (holding trophy) and Lunga Mahlaba (holding certicate) received the
innovation and commitment in smarter, grow faster and compete he Unlimited is a purpose – Award on behalf of the NJMPF
placing members retirement needs T driven, direct marketing and bundled products aimed at the growth of e Unlimited
at the core of decision making, has stronger. KPMG is known for its sales business that has been providing ordinary people with a Child, a leading early childhood
allowed the Fund to continue with talented people, technical shiing lives by oering choice of insurance. Over education and skills development
its momentum in improving and expertise, deep industry insights unbeatable value since its 650 000 customers are part of e NPO.
advancing stakeholders lives. and its ability to get the job done. inception. It creates uniquely Unlimited family contributing to
WINNER FINALISTS telecommunications and nancial
services, and is built around a
WOODFORD GROUP TYSON PROPERTIES powerful purpose – to make life
T company driven by passion, T yson Properties, one of the technology. It approaches markets
better through innovative
he Woodford Group is a
that are traditionally complex, and
leading property brands in
Durban-based, home grown
simplies them, making life easier
KZN, has long been
ambition, and an unwavering recognised as a trendsetter within for consumers, and business more
commitment to quality. e the property industry. Tyson’s is ecient for its partners.
company has worked tirelessly renowned for its excellent grasp of
over the past 25 years to achieve both global and local trends as ESQUIRE TECHNOLOGIES
the title of SA's largest regards the changing needs of
independent car hire company. property buyers and sellers. E squire Technologies has
Development of the local grown for two decades to Pravesh Premdutt (holding certicate) and Muhammed Zufer Khan (holding trophy)
economy and the empowerment IGNITION GROUP become an award winning, received the Award on behalf of the Woodford Group
of local companies has been the leading-technology company of
cornerstone of Woodford’s own I gnition Group is one of IT, digital lifestyle, consumer Esquire distributes and provides resellers and retail partners
success. Africa's largest providers of electronics and mobility products end-to-end solutions primarily regardless of size that support the
too small to medium business
technology needs of end users.
from international vendors.
technology, media,