Page 8 - KZN Top Business Awards 2017
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WINNER has contributed some R2 billion to As an entertainment and leisure
the Gross Geographical Product destination, Suncoast attracts
USHAKA MARINE WORLD (GGP) of Durban, enjoying a 20% approximately one million people
increase in footfall from 2014/15
to the complex on a monthly basis.
U Shaka Marine World, to 2015/6 and an 11% increase in A R70 million contribution to the
People Mover continues to ensure
revenue in the last nancial year.
Africa’s largest marine
easy access for visitors to all of
theme park, is not only an
integral part of the city’s overall uShaka prides itself in oering a Durban’s main highlights,
tourism oering and one of two combination of entertainment and including SUNCOAST.
anchor tenants along the world leisure outdoor activities that are
renowned Golden Mile, but an suitable for all generations. THE BEEKMAN GROUP
economic engine and success
story within its own right. SUNCOAST CASINO, HOTELS L ocated at Port Shepstone on
the South Coast of
Created over 13 years ago to KwaZulu-Natal, the
kick start urban regeneration and AND ENTERTAINMENT Beekman Group’s impressive head
to boost development, uShaka (SUNCOAST) oce is a testimony to its ongoing Mpume Mthembu, Marketing Director and Stella Khumalo, CEO, at uShaka Marine World
Marine World has driven up success. receiving the Tourism Award
footfall in what was a largely S UNCOAST, a 1.4 billion
ignored and neglected part of the investment in the Durban Brothers, John and the late for its commitment to innovation management function was handed
Durban beachfront. In more than beachfront, stands on the Bram Beekman opened their rst and excellence. e Group’s over to the younger generation a
a decade, it has been a catalyst for northern bookend of Durban’s Vacation Ownership resort at portfolio currently includes a few years back and cousins Neville
the growth of other hospitality Golden Mile, as a proud citizen of Banana Beach on the South Coast variety of leisure products as well Beekman, Wayne Beekman and
businesses and the city’s tourism Durban, having established itself of KwaZulu-Natal. From there, the as commercial property Cindy Allan lead a dedicated
oering as a whole. as one of the key tourist business grew to become a leading management. team. However, founder, John
attractions in the province, over corporate player in the South Beekman is still on hand to oer
To date, uShaka Marine World the past 15 years. African leisure industry renowned e Beekman Group’s advice when required.
Alan Khan EARN
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