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              llan Hirsch, the founder   He recalls working long hours   going. You need to keep your
              and CEO of Hirsch’s is an   when others took weekends off.   vision and keep on working hard
        Aoutstanding example of       With the help of Margaret, his   when things go wrong,” he says.
        someone who came from humble   wife and partner, and the use                              RESIGNATION &
        beginnings and had to overcome   of innovative marketing, a big   Commenting on their milestone
        personal challenges to become   demand was created for Hirsh’s   birthday on 29 January 2019,
        successful. He well illustrates   products.                 Allan said:                   DISCIPLINE
        that “where you begin does not                               “Ï can’t believe that 40 years has
        determine where you can go”.   In KZN in 2000, Hirsh’s
                                      started their Home Store concept,   passed since we started Hirsch’s.    Patrick Deale, Labour   Ordinary contractual rules dictate
          Significantly, Hirsch’s celebrated   where almost everything for the   The growth that we have had over   Lawyer & Mediator,   that the employer may hold the
        its 40th anniversary in 2019. The   home can be purchased under   the years and the people who          Deale Attorneys     employee to the contract and seek
        business is the biggest privately-  one roof. This proved to be a   have assisted us, and the support                   an order of specific performance
        owned appliance dealer in     great success and two years later,   that we have had from the public          an an      requiring the employee to serve the
        southern Africa and comprises   in 2002, they took the concept to   for the last forty years has been        employer   period of notice…”
        a chain of mega appliance and   Gauteng. In April 2012, Hirsh’s   phenomenal.  It’s true to say that    Cproceed
        home furnishing stores.       opened their first branch in Cape   working hard and getting the       with a disciplinary   Employers can reject “immediate
                                      Town (Milnerton).  They also have   basics right on a daily basis pays.    enquiry after   effect”
          Allan left school in standard   a strong online presence with   That is what we’ve done.  We have       an employee    This means the employer can hold
        seven due to dyslexia and trained   customers from around South   had amazing people that have            resigns with   the employee to the contractual
        as an electrical appliances’   Africa shopping from Hirsch’s   worked with us over the years,             immediate     notice period and reject the
        mechanic. Afterwards, he started   online site.             and we owe a lot to them.”                    effect on     “immediate effect” condition of
        working for a company, where he                                                                           receipt of a   the resignation. It includes the
        and the owner had different views   Hirsch’s is a family run business   “I feel proud of what we have   notice of suspension or notice of   employer’s entitlement to proceed
        on business. The owner wanted   with all four members of the   achieved, and I believe that   enquiry?                  with the enquiry despite the
        to keep increasing margins, while   Hirsch family involved in day   there are more opportunities                        resignation to the “immediate
        Allan wanted reasonable rates and  to day operations. The Hirsch’s   on their way – not only for us,   No & Yes         effect”. An employee is entitled to
        to provide great service to keep   form a formidable force supported   but for South Africa. By looking   “No” – said the Labour Court in   resign with immediate effect only
        their customers’ happy.       by their management team who   after people, we have found   Kalipa Mtati v KPMG Services   in   in the case of a material breach of
                                      have a strong commitment to   that they have looked after us. 
          His employer’s suggestion that   the same goals. They are backed   When people ask me what the   October 2016.        contract by the employer.
        Allan should go on his own was   by 850 permanent employees   key to success is, I say that it is a   “Yes” - said the court later in   The judgment is in line with
        both exciting and daunting for   who are as dedicated to the   combination of getting everything  Coetzee v Zeitz  on 14 June 2018.     the principles stated by the LC
        him. Being newly married, having   company as the Hirsch’s and   in the right order at the right                        in Lottering  -
        bought his first property, and the   their management team are.   time.  When one consistently gets   Coetzee resigned “with   ■   Resignations must be un-
        birth of his first child, delayed his                       the basics done, one will become   immediate effect” when his
        decision, but he eventually opened   The Hirsch family does not take   successful.        employer The Zeitz Trust served     equivocal (ie leaving no doubt);
        an electrical appliance repair   anything for granted and are                             him with a notice of suspension on   ■   Once given, they can’t be with-
        store in Durban North in 1979.   regularly involved in various   This being our 40th year, we   allegations of serious misconduct.     drawn unless by agreement;
        He recalls being “absolutely flat   charities and sponsorships.   have numerous specials.  We   Coetzee disputed the Trust’s right   ■   They don’t require acceptance
        broke” the day Hirsch’s Electrical   Their giving nature ensures   have had great support from our   to continue with the disciplinary     by  the employer – it’s a
        Repairs opened, having spent all   that they constantly support the   suppliers who are helping us to   process against him.     unilateral act;
        his money on rent, the electricity   less fortunate and they are always   enjoy our 40th year in business   He made an urgent application   ■   The contract does not terminate
        deposit, and marketing. He says it   willing to help those in need and   and we are passing these on to   to the Labour Court to have the     on the date the notice is given
        was enormously symbolic being   find many ways of giving back to   the consumer – who has kept us   disciplinary process declared     but when the notice period
        able to buy a loaf of bread costing   the communities in which they   in business for the past 40 years.    unlawful, invalid and of no force     expires; and If the employer
        11 cents on his way home.     operate.                      Thank you, we appreciate you,   and effect. And he attempted
                                                                    and we are so grateful that you   to interdict the Trust from     waives a part of  the notice,
          Initially, Allan only repaired   Trust must be earned and Allan   have kept us going for all this   continuing and finalising the     the contract  terminates when
        goods, but his reputation     still tries to enhance the good   time.”                   disciplinary process against him.     the employee  leaves work (ie at
        and knowledge led to him to   reputation Hirsch’s has built over                          He based his case on the decision     the start of the waived period).
        becoming a formal dealer as well.   40 years. “Winners always keep
                                                                                                  in Kalipa Mtata.               TIP: The message from the
                                                                                                  Reasons                       Coetzee judgement is clear: An
                                                                                                                                employee cannot escape workplace
                                                                                                   The court said it was not
                                                                                                  legally obliged to follow the   justice simply by resigning with
                                                                                                                                immediate effect when faced
                                                                                                  Kalipa Mtati judgment. And it
                                                                                                  explained why it would not for   with the prospect of being held to
                                                                                                  the sake of ‘clarity of the legal   account for misconduct. Employers
                                                                                                                                should proceed with disciplinary
                                                                                                  position’. It referred to what   enquiries in these cases to maintain
                                                                                                  it considered to be the correct
                                                                                                  reflection of the law as stated in   the credibility of its workplace rules
                                                                                                  the LC judgment in Vodacom    and procedures. 
                                                                                                  v Motsa  and Another 2016(3)
                                                                                                  SA 116 (LC) that stated in the   *1 Kalipa Mtati v KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd
                                                                                                  following extract:            J2277/16; 18 October 2016
                                                                                                                                *2 Coetzee v Zeitz Mocaa Foundation Trust
                                                                                                   “The principles that regulate a   and Another (C517/2018) [2018] ZALCCT
                                                                                                  resignation are well established.   20; (2018) 39 ILJ 2529 (LC) (14 June 2018) 
                                                                                                  Resignation is a unilateral   *3 Vodacom (Pty) Ltd v Motsa and Another
                                                                                                                                2016(3) SA 116 (LC)  Source: Worklaw
                                                                                                  act…. When an employee        Newsflash April 2019
                                                                                                  gives the required notice, the   *4 Lottering & Others v Stellenbosch
                                                                                                  contract terminates at the end   Municipality (LC Case no.: C159/2010 Date
                                                                                                  of the notice period. When    of judgment: 7 May 2010)

                                                                                                  an employee leaves his or her   DEALE ATTORNEYS
                                                                                                  employment without giving the   Tel: 083 375 8771
                                                                                                  required period of notice, the   Email:
                                                                                                  employee breaches the contract.   Website:

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