Page 5 - JCCI Business Focus Vol.1.3
P. 5



                     Andrew Pike, Head   and Logistics group at pan-African
                      of Ports, Terminals   law firm Bowmans.
                       and Logistics
                       Corridors sector at   He leads the Bowmans team
                       Bowmans        that is advising KwaZulu Cruise
                                      Terminal Pty Ltd (KCT), the
                                      preferred bidder for the tender to
                      W        hile   develop, construct and operate
                                      the new state-of-the-art facility at

                                      worked on numerous African port
                          Africa is on   the Port of Durban. Bowmans has
                           the map    projects, including the proposed
                           for foreign   Durban Dig-out Port and major
                           investors   port facilities in Mozambique’s
                           in many    Port of Nacala, Ghana’s Freeport
                           other      of Atuabo and Tanzania’s Dar es
                           sectors,   Salaam Port.
        the cruise ship industry mostly
        passes the continent by. This could   Africa needs world-class facilities  Artist's impression of the Durban Cruise Terminal
        start to change once the new   “This won’t be any old cruise
        Durban Cruise Terminal opens for   terminal; it will be a new and   potential. Although the number   Negotiating a win-win concession  win solutions between the parties.”
                                                                    of visitors to Durban has been
        business, hopefully in 2019.  iconic structure in Durban, with   increasing, to around 191 000   Pike says that KCT will receive a   The Durban Cruise Terminal
                                      international-class cruise facilities                       25-year concession agreement with   has widespread support among
          “There isn’t a large cruise ship   that link up with existing tourist   in 2016, the hope is that this   Transnet National Ports Authority.   the public, government and
        industry around Africa, largely   attractions such as uShaka Marine   will grow with the advent of the   The process for the awarding of   private sector, says Pike.
        because of poor facilities. Other   World, offering cruise ship   Durban Cruise Terminal, which is   such a concession is relatively new,   “The sentiment is that this
        than Cape Town, which has its   passengers a ‘whole’ experience,”   anticipated to be operational early   carried out under section 56 of the   project makes sense, gives
                                                                    in 2019.”
        own modern cruise terminal, most   Pike says.                                             National Ports Act.           Durban credibility as a tourist
        African ports are commercial and                             The preferred bidder, KCT,                                 destination and is good for the
        not geared for tourism, so there   A world-class experience is   is a joint venture between   “To date, only a handful of   cruise industry.”  
        aren’t a lot of places where cruise   essential if Africa is to increase   MSC Cruises SA and Africa   concessions have been granted in
        ships can call. An attraction like   its share of the lucrative, but   Armada Consortium, a black   South Africa under the section
                                                                                                  56 process and each concession
        the Durban Cruise Terminal could   highly competitive international   empowerment partner. MSC   agreement is signed after a period
        be just what the African cruise   cruise industry.          Cruises is the world’s leading   of negotiation,” he says. “As
        industry needs,” says Andrew   “In Africa, this is an industry   privately held cruise company and   port specialists, we see our most
        Pike, head of the Ports, Terminals   with underserved tourism   the fourth largest overall.  important role as facilitating win-


                  By Tasia Brummer    abroad must also take note of   is a large positive compared to   who hold the necessary qualities   changes, you will freshly remember
                                      important changes.            current law where accompanying  which will contribute to the South   the painful change-over. Perhaps
                                                                    family members are not allowed   African economy.           there will be quicker policies and
                          arge scale   Points Based System – Easier for   to work unless married to a                           procedures in place this time, but
                          work permit        the Foreign National Families  South African citizen.  Accordingly, the “point-based   this remains a gamble. The current
                     L changes on      The Paper proposes that a “points-                         system” will further monitor   VISA processes operate very
                     the cards – now is   based” system be put in place for   The Toothbrush Test is Coming  whether a person may qualify for   smoothly where correctly done, so
                     the time to act  migrants who hold skills, potential   The White Paper further proposes   short- or long-term residency and   the bankable position is to secure
                                                                                                  will result in whether they may
                         The White    investments and/or have business   ‘Marriage Clearance Certificates’ to   apply for permanent residency and/  your expatriate permits and status
                                                                                                                                before the change. This means the
                        Paper for     interests within the Republic. Thus,   be issued to foreigners whom intend   or citizenship. Consequently, the   new system can settle down before
                         South        we are adopting a more strategy   to enter into spousal relationships   process of residency and citizenship   you have to apply again.
                         African      based and flexible approach.   with citizens. This regime is only to   will be deemed to be delinked.
                         Migration    This system may be adjusted   ascertain the status of the marriage                         b. Where you are a corporate
                         was released   considering the qualifications,   and to ensure that respective   South African Citizens  employer or have critical skill
                         on 28 July   experience, capital availability and   foreigners are not married in their   Although the White Paper focuses   employees, the White Paper
                         2017 by the   willingness of the transfer of skills   home countries.    solely on migration to South Africa,   gives you a rare opportunity to
        Department of Home Affairs.   from foreign nationals.                                     it does however further mention   comment now on the changes. This
        Where you have foreign workers   Expats with scarce skills will be   The process hereof is yet to be   that citizens in the Republic whom   can either be directly submitted,
        in South Africa, South African   required to transfer their unique   identified, but, like in the American   intend to emigrate for a period   or please email me (contact@
        workers abroad, or deal in any   skills and experiences to citizens   movies, this will be where they put   longer than three (3) months and
        capacity within these changes,   of South Africa. This requirement   you in different rooms and check   will be mandated to apply for   we will ensure this is added to our
        there is now a unique window to get   will further fill the skills gap within   that you know the colour of your   registration as per the Department   submission to the Minister.
        your house in order and contribute   the labour market and decrease the   spouse’s toothbrush, who sleeps   of International Relations and   c. The change to permanent
        to this important development in   scarcity of the needed skills. The   what side, is the pillow hard or soft   Cooperation (DIRCO). This is   residency will have significant
        emigration law.               acclaimed Critical Skills list will   and how you feel that your mother-  to ensure that ‘strong ties’ are   impact on current expatiates
                                                                    in-law interferes in the marriage.
        Overview                      be reviewed to ensure that ‘scarce                          maintained together with the   planning to stay longer. Now is
                                                                                                                                the time for them to assess their
                                                                                                  development agenda for the
                                      skills’ aren’t over-capacitated.
          The White Paper aims to                                   Permanent Residency to Longer   country, but we can see that SARS   situation and consider application
                                                                    Term Visas
        improve the management,        This system will make it far                               will probably also be very interested   under the more lenient existing
        security and influx and outflux   easier for the correct expatriates   Permanent residency is proposed   in this database.  regime. 
        of foreign and local nationals   to access long-stay visas.   to be replaced with longer term
        within South Africa and the   Furthermore, which can only be   visas in order to dismiss the   Immediate Actions        Tel: 011 467 0810
        current regimes thereof. Not   applauded, expats’ immediate   misunderstanding that expats   Although the White Paper focuses   Email:
        only will foreign nationals   family members may apply as   may have in terms of progressing   solely on the future, there are three   Web:
        whom are sojourning and those   one unit and will thus enable the   to citizenship by only taking into   immediate takeaways –
        who wish to sojourn in the    family members to conduct work   consideration the number of years
        Republic be affected, but South   and study without needing to   they have spent in the country. The   a. Where you have been part
        African citizens who work     apply for alternative visas. This   progression is thus aimed at expats   of the previous emigration law

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