Page 8 - JCCI Business Focus Vol.1.3
P. 8


        Martin Sanne, Executive Director, CSIR   materials, nanocoating, self-
        Materials Science and Manufacturing  healing materials, biosensors,
                                      5G, wearable electronics, LIFI
                                      and the Internet of Things.
               ew and emerging
               technologies are
        Nfundamentally changing        The rapid rise and convergence
        our world in ways previously   of emerging technologies is
        unimaginable. Technology-     driving a Fourth Industrial
        driven innovation has always   Revolution, referred to in
        caused business models to     Germany as Industrie 4.0.
        go extinct. Some companies    The term refers to collective            1st                 2nd                3rd                  4th
        couldn’t evolve and went out of   technologies and concepts
        business while others adapted,   of value chain organisation,
        seized opportunities and      which draws together cyber-        Mechanisation,     Mass production,
        thrived by taking advantage of   physical systems, the Internet                                          Computer and        Cyber Physical
        the new environment. What’s   of Things (IoT) and the Internet    Water Power,       Assembly Line,       Automation            Systems
        different today is that technology   of Services (IoS). Industrie 4.0   Steam Power     Electricity
        is advancing at a pace never   is enabled by the convergence
        experienced before in human   of other emerging technologies   Industrial revolutions and future view (
        history, and the pace will    including virtual reality,
        only increase.                advanced communications, big
                                      data management, product life   Such disruptive technologies     drawing on embedded sensors    a perception that Advanced
          Disruptive change enabled   cycle management, artificial   will change the nature of      and open data               Manufacturing has a negative
        by emerging technologies      intelligence, machine learning   manufacturing at industry and   ■   Becoming a ‘factory less’ goods    impact on jobs, international
        is happening in the global    and smaller and more powerful   firm level. Some of the expected     producer capturing value by    experience suggests the opposite.
        manufacturing sector as       sensors that have become cheaper.  changes include the widespread     selling technological know-how    A World Economic Forum
        much as (if not more than)                                  adoption of:                    and leaving physical production    (WEF) newsletter states that
        in any other sector. This      By enabling ‘smart factories’,   ■   Adaptive and smart      to others                   while technology is often blamed
        fundamental discontinuity     the 4th industrial revolution     manufacturing equipment and    ■   Remanufacturing end of life    for unemployment, in practice
        with the past presents a threat   creates a world in which     systems                      products to original        jobs were not disappearing
        as manufacturing firms that   virtual and physical systems   ■   Resource efficient factory      specifications or better  but evolving – job losses in
        do not adapt quickly to this   of manufacturing globally      design                      ■   Creating value from new    one sector often mean gains in
        wave of change will not survive.   cooperate with each other in a   ■   Collaborative, mobile and      strategic alliances within and    another. It is also well known
        On the other hand, firms that   flexible way. Over the IoT, cyber-    networked enterprises and      between sectors    that manufacturing activity is
        prepare for and embrace the new   physical systems communicate     business models seamlessly                           associated with good economic
        opportunities can become global   and cooperate with each other     linking supply chains to local    ■   Exploiting new technologies    multipliers and an International
        players and grow exponentially.    and with humans in real time,                            more rapidly                Finance Corporation (IFC)
                                      and via the IoS, both internal     production                                             study has also shown that the
          Specific technologies that have   and cross-organisational services   ■   More customer focused    Another specific element to be   job multiplier effect rises as the
        potential to fundamentally    are offered and utilised by     manufacturing linking       aware of and respond to is that of   manufacturing becomes more
        change the nature of business,   participants of the value chain.     products and processes to    catalytic innovations; defined as   sophisticated, from about two for
        work and society include,     In a future in which production     innovative services     innovations that have potential   traditional manufacturing to 15
        inter alia, cloud technology,   gets more networked, the    New sources of value will     to fundamentally change society.   for the most advanced forms of
        big data, predictive analytics,   complexity of production and   also be unlocked by this    Catalytic innovations from   manufacturing.
        cognitive computing, artificial   supplier networks will grow   manufacturing paradigm,   the past include photography,
        intelligence, mixed reality,   enormously. Networks have    including:                    automotives, electricity, airplanes   This correlation is reflected
        agile robots, collaborative   so far been limited to single   ■   Opportunities to extensively    and telephones.       in a study by McKinsey which
        industrial robots, robotic    factories but in an Industrie 4.0     package services with products  New products are currently   concludes that the SA economy
        exoskeletons, 3D printing/    scenario, these boundaries will                             being manufactured and new    can grow by 1.1% higher than
        additive manufacturing,       be lifted to interconnect multiple   ■   Sources of information on    industries are being created   the current consensus estimates
        autonomous vehicles, bio-based   factories across the globe.    how products are used and age,    which will create new jobs and   and create 3.4 million new
                                                                                                  factories that do not even exist   jobs by 2030, led by a globally
                                                                                                                                competitive hub of Advanced
                                                                                                  today. This shift in thinking   Manufacturing. It is estimated
                                                                                                  and manufacturing defines     that Advanced Manufacturing
                                                                                                  new rules of competition and   can add R 540bn to SA’s GDP
                                                                                                  ways of manufacturing. Failing   and create 1.5 million new jobs
                                                                                                  to embrace or scale this shift   by 2030.
                                                                                                  will lead to current industries
                                                                                                  becoming absolute by 2025.     Key imperatives identified
                                                                                                                                in that study to achieve this
                                                                                                  Advanced Manufacturing        growth include the need for
                                                                                                  as a Catalyst for Re-         manufacturing businesses to
                                                                                                  industrialisation             focus on achieving greater
                                                                                                   Within the broader           economies of scale through
                                                                                                  manufacturing sector, Advanced   aggressively pursuing export
                                                                                                  Manufacturing has a particularly   opportunities and to become
                                                                                                  important role to play in re-  more innovative in materials,
                                                                                                  industrialisation and the     products and manufacturing
                                                                                                  creation of decent, well-paying   processes. The need for increased
                                                                                                  jobs. Competitive advantage   investments in R&D and
                                                                                                  is increasingly dependent on   tighter and more collaborative
                                                                                                  combining new knowledge and   networks is also seen as critically
                                                                                                  improved technologies rather   important. 
                                                                                                  than the traditional factors of
                                                                                                  production like labour, materials   For more information contact:
        4th industrial revolution ( REUTERS/Christinne Muschi)                 and energy. While there is

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