Page 7 - JCCI Business Focus Vol.1.3
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agiso Sesoko of Paperpush corporate clothing. This offering
was the delighted winner is soon to be extended to include
Kof the Peter Reso Designs’ women’s suits.
custom-made suit, which was a
lucky draw prize at the 2017 JCCI Peter Reso Designs’ range of
Annual Conference. clothing also appeals to those
who seek a specific look and feel.
Peter Reso Designs has been Clients who require custom made
in business since 1976 and as suits for weddings, bar mitzvahs,
such is one of South Africa’s long matric dances and other special
established made to measure suit occasions can choose their own
brands. Its founder, the late, much fabrics and styles from the vast
admired Peter Reso, dressed and exclusive range.
many of the well-known and
powerful in the entertainment, The experienced staff, some
business and government sectors. who have been employed by Peter
His clients included actors such Reso Designs for more than 20
as Sean Connery and Roger years, are on hand to assist with
Moore, as well as heads of state. fittings as well as fabric and
Tito Mboweni, former South design selection. Clive Lauter
African Reserve Bank governor, and Martine Hesselberg are in
has also been a client. attendance in the Johannesburg
showroom. In addition, Peter
The brand, which over the Reso Designs’ client service
years has evolved by word of extends to having a consultant
mouth, has resulted in a Peter see you at your home or office in
Reso Designs suit becoming Johannesburg as well as in Cape
one of those must have items for Town for a suit fitting.
those individuals who appreciate
quality. The range includes For more information
exclusively tailored bespoke men’s Tel: 011 334 8969
suits, dress suits, jackets and
trousers, coats, tailored shirts and