Page 14 - KZN Business Sense - Vol4 No1 - eBook
P. 14
inny says, “We escape the business owner entails that I have
city to find peace amongst had to be an accountant – making
Vthe wild.” sure that financials are in order, a
marketer, an event manager, as well
Vincent Laycock is a Durban as manage and train my staff. You
based entrepreneur, who has can have the best coffee beans and
had a long-seated passion to equipment but unless you have a
own a coffee business. This skilled barista these mean nothing.
passion led to the opening of This has meant many late nights
Exploring Coffee, a mobile and early mornings, but I now
coffee shop brand that has been enjoy my lifestyle more than ever.”
grown around servicing outdoor
sporting events, and especially Many of the baristas employed
the KZN trail running fraternity. at Exploring Coffee’s various
outlets come from disadvantaged
Building on Laycock’s interest in backgrounds. Through a
an active lifestyle, the Exploring strong goal to assist in social
Coffee mobile coffee shop tuk tuk responsibility initiatives, Laycock
is now operating in Lilian Ngoyi has been offering barista training
Road, Morningside at the same to previously disadvantaged
premises as Durban Runner owned people. His goal is to employ these line with this belief, he is a proud free, sugar free and protein based. utilise. Together with Durban
by Zane Ebrahim and Justin Hand. trainees at his outlets as well as KwaZulu-Natal supporter and Laycock says that the vegan lifestyle Runner, Exploring Coffee intends
Currently a permanent coffee shop afford them the opportunity to works with local suppliers for is becoming more prominent and to become an information hub for
is being developed at this relaxed eventually owner-manage their sourcing his coffee beans and that food outlets need to cater for sports people.
and convenient venue. In addition, own coffee businesses. He says, “I other requirements. this growing market.
Laycock’s second mobile coffee am delighted when I see how happy In line with the goal of an active
shop tuk tuk is based at Umhlanga my guys are when they are now The pursuit of an active lifestyle In line with healthy living, lifestyle, Durban Runner and
Rocks Super Spar. However, his able to provide for their families continues to shape Laycock’s Exploring Coffee prides itself on Exploring Coffee host 10km and
growth has not stopped there, and and kids.” However, this initiative business ethos and products. Apart being eco-friendly and focuses 8km run routes each Wednesday
he intends to open an Exploring has not been without challenges from an excellent range of coffee, on sustainability. Biodegradable mornings starting at 5am sharp…
Coffee outlet at another Spar and he is currently developing a he (together with assistance from cups and straws are utilised and
later in the year. Furthermore, business model which will ensure his girlfriend) has developed Laycock intend to use glassware as Laycock concludes, “These runs
Exploring Coffee, staying true to better commitment and buy-in and introduced a unique range much as possible in the future. He are open to all, come down and
their brand identity, still operates from the trainees. of smoothie bowls, power shots says, ‘Durban is behind other cities join us for the sunrise and a cup of
at various sporting events in and and juices, which are in high when it comes to going green.” coffee for an early and fresh start
around the KZN region. Laycock believes that small demand. These forms of nutrition to your day.”
businesses are critical in providing provide alternative and healthy Laycock also says that Durban has
Laycock says that the growth real employment to people and means of refuelling, especially many hidden gems — especially
of his business has been a huge that it is important to identify after sporting activities. Many regarding sport amenities — that
learning curve. “Being a small and support such enterprises. In of the products are vegan, dairy people need to get to know and
Vijay Naidoo, President South Coast enterprises: hence the use of make a real and meaningful or human, to undertake large entity would have the assurance
Chamber of Commerce and Industry the term Corporate Social contribution in the areas they scale programmes, there are of a stable level of work from your
Responsibility. In reality, no operate in. several areas that I believe can business and could offer his or
here exists a perception meaningful upliftment of the have a meaningful impact. her services to others as well. The
that the social community at large is going While it can be accepted that Firstly, focusing on enterprise benefit to your business is that the
Tresponsibility of businesses to occur unless all established not many smaller companies development of your suppliers installation team are not a drain on
should be confined to larger businesses band together to have the resources, financial often reaps immediate benefits. your resources when they are not
Again, as a small business, you required. Obviously, the financial
may not be able to fund training, models will vary from company
and the like, but just taking a bit to company, but in my view a win-
of time to review your existing win situation can emerge.
suppliers, with a view to giving
a new entity a chance, and Thirdly, limiting your social
diversifying your vendor base, responsibilities to your staff, their
may be a good start. Certainly, immediate family, and the actual
one would need to be prudent community they live in can have
in the choice of the beneficiary, as much, if not more impact on
based on the importance of the their day to day lives. The added
input or service required. benefit to you as the donor is that
you are working with people that
Secondly, within your company, you have a history with, and the
opportunities abound for likelihood of a positive buy in
developing staff that places them on is higher. The likely spin off for
the path of self-employment. If well employers from well executed
executed, these endeavours need programmes is higher staff
not threaten your existing business, morale, loyalty and productivity.
and may in fact end up putting a
bigger smile on the bottom line! A It is high time that the smaller
case in point is companies engaged businesses sector starts taking
in manufacturing and installation: its responsibility towards social
by separating the installation upliftment more seriously.
division and empowering an
employee to manage it with a view Cell 083 700 5427
to outright or partial ownership,
the creation of a sustainable new
enterprise is possible. The new