Page 12 - KZN Business Sense - Vol4 No1 - eBook
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A detracting from productivity in ■ ■ The National Credit Act meant a steep learning curve for the vulnerable sectors of society.
vision to transform South
the workplace.
Gcume to acquire the necessary
Africa into a leading saving
not only through financial literacy
Rights and responsibilities
nation by 2030. In 2015,
Awareness of potential
programmes at previously
procedures required to remain
according to statistics released by Through the various programmes ■ exploitation e.g. micro-lending knowledge and implement the training but through targeting
the Reserve Bank, South Africa offered by Zizi Training, Gcume compliant with legislation and to disadvantaged individuals
was rated as one of the worst saving has already started on the path The financial literacy courses are keep up to date with new training living with disabilities and early
nations in the world. to achieve his goal of educating targeted at the lower LSM income provider requirements. childhood development training.
people to be responsible about category (combined household
In many cases, personal finance their finances. The company is Gcume says that he does not shy Gcume believes that any training
is a limited resource that requires an accredited training provider income less than R180 000 per away from learning and that these must be a meaningful experience
annum). The beneficiaries range
careful management and active with the focus being enterprise opportunities have allowed him with tangible outcomes. Recently,
decision making, which is not development, financial literacy, from scholars to tertiary students, to lay the foundation for success. a group of ten people went through
and from small business owners to
being implemented. In addition, as well as end-user computing. the elderly in rural municipalities. In addition, he prides himself on a practical training programme
money issues often preoccupy Zizi Training is accredited by the delivering as promised, which which included computer skills,
people’s thinking and have the MICT Seta, by Umalusi, is currently Over the last two years more ensures a proactive work ethic. He writing CVs and interview skills,
potential to inspire anxiety. This finalising accreditation with the than 25 000 individuals have is driven by goals and often says of whom six beneficiaries have
continuous ‘background noise’ Fasset Seta, as well as has applied for acquired financial literacy skills — of his approach to new targets, been employed.
interferes with a positive mindset registration with the Department 7000 in 2016 and 18000 in 2017. As “If its challenging let’s go for it.”
and clear thinking, therefore, of Higher Education, in accordance a direct consequence, many of the However, he believes that the Zizi Training welcomes
with current legislation. individuals trained have started lessons learnt have really assisted proposals from companies who
saving. In the case of children, his company’s ability to grow its are interested in upskilling their
The financial literacy courses service offering. staff as well as participating in
offered focus on: often through the use of money providing the general public with
boxes, whilst many of the older
■ Understanding credit age group cohorts have opened Zizi Training’s recent clients opportunities to acquire financial
■ Differentiating between needs bank accounts. include SA Home Loans; literacy skills.
and wants eThekwini Municipality and
Mazars Gauteng). Former clients
Gcume also provides training
■ Transacting – the different in the corporate sector where include: Ithala Development Contact Sazi Gcume
modes (cash, card, eft, etc.) employees are often in need Finance Corporation, Absa C: 073 634 9610
■ Safety aspects (loss of card, of assistance to manage their Consumer Education and
phishing, pins, etc) and finances better. Hibiscus Coast Municipality,
mitigating actions amongst others.
■ Savings and investments However, establishing Zizi Said Gcume, “In the future, the
■ Household budgeting Training has not been without
Sazi Gcume the managing director of any challenges. Being an company is determined to make a
Zizi Training (Pty) Ltd ■ Long and short-term insurance accredited service provider has difference by continuing to target
inding from and where they are headed is abundant. With the beach on building awareness, generating “The expanse and un-spoilt
that to.” your doorstep and a growing leads and motivating buyers to natural beauty at Blythedale is
Fperfect Selling properties in the highly number of top-class schools such connect with the company,” says attracting a lot of interest,” says
home for a sought-after Simbithi Eco Estate as Ashton International College Schuit. “Because digital channels Schuit. “Off-the-grid services, the
client is about and Curro Mt. Richmore, retail are real-time, two-way and always- high-tech functioning and set-up of
more than bricks in Ballito and on the Blythedale and entertainment options, as well on, following up on these leads the estate is setting new standards
Coastal Estate development further
and mortar. north, Schuit says the benefits and as hospitals, living in Ballito and and generating our own leads as for community living and that
“Usually buying properties on these estates Simbithi in particular, residents individual agents opens up new appeals to buyers who want to live,
triggered get to enjoy the benefits of city opportunities to connect and work and play. Besides this we are
by an is quite apparent. convenience in an open, natural, improve social engagement where finding a huge uptake on the expat
external “Over-and-above the modern, secure environment.” we are able to understand our market spurred on by change of
stimulus stylish homes in Simbithi, which Moving from group marketing audience needs.” our leadership in government.”
or life- range from apartments to large Schuit says social media and
change, family dwellings, the environment manager into sales, joining Clive visual, video content are proving Property on KZN’s North Coast
buyers are searching for a new and amenities add enormous value Greene who has been in sales for invaluable sales tools for him is bucking the sluggish real estate
22 years, Schuit a digital media
market trend. “The sustained
nest, a base, but also a ticket into to the home being bought.” marketing expert is optimistic selling property on KwaZulu- northward migration started
a lifestyle to which they aspire,” Natal’s North Coast. “Clients living
“In Simbithi, for example, there
says real estate practitioner, Mike are numerous dams, kilometres about how digital technology has inland like to do research before a few years ago and is showing
strong signs of new growth,” says
opened up more communication
Schuit. “As sales agents, we are of trail for mountain biking, channels direct to our customers. they come down for what is usually Schuit. “Umhlanga is bursting at
constantly reading our clients to a one or two-week holiday,” says the seams with retail, commercial
understand their motivations and running, or walking set on 430 “A large part of our efforts Schuit.
aspirations. What they’re moving hectares of prime real estate. in marketing were focused on and increasingly high density
Buck roam freely and the birdlife “The KZN North Coast is residential real estate. Ballito has
booming with developments transformed into regional hub
right now so it gives clients the with competing malls, schools,
opportunity to do some research hospitals, restaurants and every
and get their heads around what’s service a community needs.”
on offer before we meet,” he says. “The distance from Durban
The eLan Property Group’s central has become immaterial
development at Blythedale Coastal because everything, including an
Estate is due to move into an international airport is just a short
accelerated construction phase drive,” says Schuit.
within the next few months.
Situated close to King Shaka If you are interested in buying or selling
International Airport and a property in Ballito or further north at
12-minute drive north of Ballito, Blythedale Coastal Estate contact:
the 1,000-hectare development has Mike Schuit on 062 270 0123
had a few setbacks but is on track Clive Greene on 082 578 5166
for construction to start within the Ballito Property Experts - Facebook:
next few months.