Page 10 - KZN Business Book Vol.3 No.2
P. 10
Business Chambers Council
particularly where they can make
Willowton Group a dierence to a learner who
donates R5 million shows initiative to better
for bursaries to
the University of “e #feesmustfall campaign
KwaZulu-Natal which disrupted education in 2015
and 2016 has highlighted the need
for corporate business to become
S even disadvantaged learners more involved, by nancially
have received bursaries for
assisting those without the
their tertiary education from
education. Our company has
Pietermaritzburg based Willowton resources to improve their
Group. Mr. Abdul Razak Moosa, made a decision to increase
executive director at Willowton support for education and this
Group presented the rst cheque donation is being made to
of R1 million to the vice deserving students who would not
chancellor, Dr. Albert van otherwise have the opportunity to
Jaarsveld of the University of attend University,” said Abdul
KwaZulu-Natal. e balance of the Razak Moosa. “We believe
donation, a further R4 million will corporate business should focus
be made over the remaining four on education to build a strong
years. society and economy. All seven
learners attended Quantile 1, 2
With these funds, the University and 3 schools in the
of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) Pietermaritzburg area and have
Foundation has created the passed their matric certicate with
Willowton Group Bursary Fund ying colours, these rural schools
which will ensure continuity over are some of the most
time. e Willowton Group disadvantaged.”
Bursary Fund will assist nancially
disadvantaged engineering and e donation will be made to
technology students from the learners from e College of
College of Agriculture, Agriculture, Engineering and
Engineering and Science. is is Science studying science and Vice-Chancellor said, “On behalf nancial support, without which increase the number of school
in alignment with the UKZN technology qualications at the of Council, sta and students, I she didn’t know how she would learners graduating in science,
business sector and their interest Pietermaritzburg campus. ese would like to thank Willowton raise the funds for the fees. technology, engineering and
in stimulating innovation and include chemists, computer Group for their generous support. mathematics. e company has
entrepreneurship. scientists, agricultural engineers He added that with student “is bursary will give me also set up a school Bursary Fund
and environmental scientists. funding – every cent counted and nancial security to concentrate and the Sunfoil Education Trust
Seven learners have received that the donation would go a long on studying towards my degree which make bursaries available to
bursaries for their rst year’s e learners were interviewed way in assisting struggling and achieving my career goals. deserving students,” said Moosa.
tuition and an additional four from those who applied and seven students.” Dr van Jaarsveld Once qualied, it is my aim to give
recipients will be given bursaries selected to receive a bursary in indicated that many academically back to the community,” said With this latest donation, in the
in each of the remaining four year one. Each of the learners will sound students were having Yonelisa Mbuzi. past ve years over R20 million
years. e bursaries are issued for receive a full bursary inclusive of diculties funding their studies has been donated by Willowton
the duration of the degree, subject tuition fees, residence fees, meal and that the monies would “Willowton Group has always Group to funding educational
to the learner passing at the end of allowance, book allowance and a provide welcome nancial relief to placed education high on its bursaries for deserving learners in
each year. laptop allowance. those students and their families. priority, sponsoring various South Africa.
At the ceremony, Yonelisa Mbuzi, initiatives to give back to the
Willowton Group is proud to On receiving the cheque, one of the bursary candidates South African community. ese
support education in South Africa, Dr Albert van Jaarsveld, UKZN expressed her gratitude for the include science and maths kits to
K KSIA are very proud to be ASQ Awards and our airport also route to the wonderful exotic enhancements we are condent
ing Shaka International
that this number will increase in
associated with these strategic
islands on the Seychelles will give
recently was positioned very well
Airport welcomed Air
Seychelles to Durban on
work closely with to bring more
their inaugural ight on March partners and will continue to internationally as the 10th Most South Africans an opportunity to 2017. is is an incredible
Punctual Airport in the world in
opportunity to boost trade,
discover their world while
30th commencing a new direct ights to King Shaka our category by OAG Aviation allowing the people of Seychelles tourism and bring our people and
two-per-week service to Durban. International. We want to thank Worldwide.” to see what we have to oer as a bilateral relations even closer
Operating under ight code Air Seychelles for choosing city, province and country. We do together.”
HM63, this ight will establish Durban as a destination and we Mr Hamish Erskine, CEO, Dube know that more than 10,000
the second air link between want to encourage you to work TradePort Corporation noted, travellers have already visited
Seychelles and South Africa aer closely with us and our partners “e KwaZulu-Natal Route Seychelles from South Africa last
Johannesburg, where they y ve to maintain this important Development Committee has been year and with these network
times weekly. It will be operated connection between Durban and working tirelessly behind-the-
on an Airbus A320 aircra that Seychelles and certainly take scenes to secure the introduction
with two cabins split, oering 16 advantage on the growing of new regional and international
seats in business and 120 in connecting routes the both air services to Durban’s King
economy class. destinations enjoy.” Shaka International Airport.
Strategically presenting data-
Terence Delomoney General Delomoney continued, “I driven business cases to airlines,
Manager of King Shaka would like to take this opportunity we aim to show route planners,
International said, “Today is a of welcoming Air Seychelles to from around the world, the
very signicant day as it is now Durban and to mention that they potential market that exists within
the 6th international airline that are in great company as our Durban and the rest of KwaZulu-
we have launched in the 18 airport has just been awarded the Natal. We are always motivated
months. is would not have been Best Regional Airport in Africa, when a new airline takes up our
possible without the hard work Best Airport with under ve oer and commences a new route
and dedication of our partners million passengers a year and well into Durban; we had been in talks
and stakeholders that include as Best Airport Sta Excellence at with Air Seychelles for the last 12
EDTEA, Dube Tradeport, Trade the Skytrax 2017 World Airport months for them to put on this
and Investment KZN, Durban Awards presented in Amsterdam new non-stop route.”
Tourism, TKZN, ACSA and others recently. at is not all as our
to ensure that KZN and Durban is airport is now the second best Colin Naidoo, Senior Corporate
the destination of choice. We as airport in Africa through the ACI Aairs Manager said, “is new