Page 11 - KZN Business Book Vol.3 No.2
P. 11
Business Chambers Council
T he University of KwaZulu- e Foundation provides a one However, in order for the South creating a pipeline of
new employees. In
African economy to grow, as well
stop shop for donors as well
Natal (UKZN) Foundation
is the ocial fundraising
industry sectors where scare skills
administration functions,
arm of the institution. e as undertakes all donor as to address the limitations for addition, no teaching
can take place in a
Foundation is headed up by the including providing tax certicates exist, higher education must vacuum and the
executive director Professor Anesh and paperwork for Broad-Based continue to be priority. Educating relationship between
Maniraj Singh who was appointed Black Economic Empowerment our citizens is not only vital for knowledge and
in 2016. (B-BBEE) spend. As a nonprot our country’s economic growth practice is undisputed.
organisation, the UKZN but also empowers many of our Students require work
“e primary function of the Foundation is a section 18A entity youth to move beyond the experience, which may
Foundation is to provide an so donations are tax deductible. limitations of poverty. Prof Singh be acquired through
ecient and eective fund raising In addition, spending may be commented, “While ‘fees must fall’ internships or holiday
service that benets all our claimed for B-BBEE scorecard raised many legitimate concerns, employment, which
stakeholders, including students, points under skills development, we need to continue to proactively then lead to permanent
academics, society and the various and social economic development look for funding. e missing employment.
strategic projects of UKZN,” said code series. middle, who come from families
Prof Singh. with income levels above the Excellence in
While the UKZN Foundation is National Student Financial Aid university education
Of importance is that the generally well supported, the Scheme (NSFAS) threshold, but standards also need to
Foundation strives to cultivate a current economic climate has who cannot aord post-school be maintained
strong relationship with donors, resulted in many budgets being education are of particular continually. Students
which typically consists of trusts, cut, which has reduced the concern. ere are many students, require access to the
corporates, high net worth corporate social investment (CSI) who without extra help will latest equipment and
individuals, alumni and the spend. “Of importance is that struggle to reach their full best facilities in order
general public. is relationship is there is more to giving than just potential and need our help.” to remain up to date
well coordinated through regular meeting B-BBEE scorecard goals. with the advances in
correspondence via the in-house ere are also intangible rewards. Resolving this crisis situation the various elds of
newsletter as well as through the is is apparent in the ‘feel good’ needs to be perceived as the joint academia as well as to Prof Anesh Singh
UKZN Foundation website. In an that results from giving. Giving is responsibility of government and research solutions to the many
annual survey on higher good not only for yourself but also the business sector. For the new challenges facing society. All − big or small. UKZN needs the
education, it was reported that for society. Potential and current business sector an investment in university stakeholders have no support of the corporate
UKZN excelled at community donors are encouraged to give the students’ participation in higher diculty in recognising that community to engage more
engagement. Said Prof Singh, gi of knowledge,” said Prof Singh. education should be regarded as a educated graduates are critical to eectively and to invest in the city,
“Maintaining these relationships is win-win situation. By investing in society’s future. the province of KZN and
essential to driving the UKZN Oen the need for investment in university education, they are also ultimately the country.”
Foundation’s fundraising higher education is overlooked investing in the culture and skills Prof Singh concluded, “It does
programme.” when CSI spend is allocated. of their future work force and not matter the size of the donation