Page 9 - KZN Business Book Vol.3 No.2
P. 9
Business Chambers Council
David White - upon the founder’s energy and environment where technical NGOs have an ever-increasing plans and improving long-term
CEO, expertise business administrative need to attract the right people in sustainability and resource
DRG Outsourcing • They grow to a point beyond the competencies are oen not the right positions in a constantly mobilisation.
founder’s capability to sustain available. evolving environment.
them without support resources It is not enough just to have a
and the implementation of Financial management is usually Heads of NGOs as well as those dedicated team for an
formal governance practices the rst candidate for such long associated with the sector organisation. As it grows in scope
• Team members are passionate, attention, for a number of reasons, agree that the supply of well and headcount so does the need
have unique skills sets and the which would include: donor qualified people, prepared to make for the team to be professionally
ability to multiskill i.e. are assurance, statutory reporting, the necessary sacrices in respect managed, motivated and
H R For contribution to the collective and the like. The NGO finds itself the ‘cause’, has diminished rapidly proficient HR support function.
cash ow management, budgeting
of remuneration, for the sake of
deeply engaged in their
rewarded, which requires a
over the years.
becoming more business-like with
important role within the
governmental Organisations • Team members share in the non-core functional areas being The days when NGOs were The HR function plays an
founder’s risk in terms of low
introduced, with their respective
NGOs) nancial gain expectations skills sets. The team skills profile driven by social activists are no organisation’s compliance
during the entity’s development diversies into ‘support’ and longer. NGOs now have a high structure as well. There are
NGOs are generally engaged in phase – they draw sustenance ‘delivery’. The support team may demand for skilled employees to numerous laws and regulations
initiatives geared toward the from the ‘cause’ be drawn from the general help the organisation function at governing the employment
betterment of society. Typically, employment market, at prevailing its best. relationship, which HR
they operate in areas where In summary, it may be said that: market rates i.e. less likely to be professionals must understand
government is either unable to Typically, people that work in attracted by the ‘cause’. The HR Practices and navigate. HR helps to ensure
fully deliver on their social NGOs are drawn to the passion delivery team, with their special- Almost all the HR practices are that costly penalties are avoided as
support mandate or where and purpose of the organisation. ised skills, become more market- being adapted by NGOs and the well as the added risk of harm to
interventions are of such a highly People choose to start or work in able as the organisation builds its roles and responsibilities are the organisation’s reputation.
specialised nature, that external an NGO because they like the credentials as an eective change equally challenging. An example is
expertise is needed to mobilise work the NGO does (or is going to agent or, where they aspire to new providing employees with support, Unlike businesses that earn their
and sustain them. Such do), and they want to be part of a challenges. which is especially important in income by selling goods or
organisations embrace a team making a dierence in a organisations that work with services, NGOs are expected to be
remarkable diversity of particular community or sector. To remain eective, the children and trauma cases. In eective managers of the resources
endeavours, for example: People attracted to work in a leadership model is also likely to addition to the typical challenges entrusted to them by stakeholders.
TB/HIV Research NGO will do so evolve to accommodate such the NGO sector is facing, there are As a general rule the most
• Health because they are passionate about changes in scope in that: skills shortages, salary disparities, signicant element of an NGOs
• Education making a dierence in the lives of best practice HR procedures and budget is its people cost or,
• Child care those affected by the afflictions. It • Mobilising team members’ government policies − all factors investment in human capital. The
• Aged care is not an everyday occurrence that inspiration around the ‘cause’ is impacting upon the success of an HR practitioner plays an
• Skills development a talented HR person, lawyer, or more challenging in the growing NGO. important advisory role in this
• Small business development accountant will choose to work in organisation as the leader regard.
• Agriculture an NGO. They may do so if they becomes more remote from The complexity of the
• Community development are particularly interested in the them. The leader’s role requires endeavours in which NGOs In concluding, it is critical for
• Environmental preservation work being done by the NGO. more focus on general engage requires expertise of their the NGO leader and those charged
Generally these competent management, oen an team members. Therefore, the with its governance to identify the
NGOs are essentially highly professionals would choose to uncomfortable one for an personnel function is required to need for formalising an approach
entrepreneurial in nature. Parallels expand their careers by working in entrepreneurially-inclined evolve from an administrative to the HR aspect, either by way of
may be drawn to the evolution of large companies or to open their individual orientation into a HR partner who in-house capacity, outsourcing or
entrepreneurially driven own for prot businesses. • The initial challenges, which is closely involved with the a combination of both.
businesses in that: focused the team eort, and institution’s strategic processes
A Tipping Point from which they derived the that inform daily operational T: 031 767 0625
• They are conceived out of a NGOs, if successful, are likely to energy for self-inspired work activities. C: 083 782 5515
creative idea, usually by an reach a tipping point where some behaviour have diminished
individual or a small group of form of good (formal) business Best-Practice
like-minded people with a practices require introduction. Unique Challenges HR best-practice aims to make
strong belief in the idea NGOs have the same governance, HR in a NGO environment is NGOs understand and assess
• The creator takes on personal compliance and reporting no dierent to that of any other organisational behaviour and
risk in testing, perfecting and responsibilities as private sector sectors, but the challenges that HR functioning; manage organisations
promoting the idea companies across all functional professionals face within the NGO through planning, implementing
• They are able to convince others areas within their organisation. industry are quite unique. An and monitoring activities
to support them The challenge being to ensure that NGO must strive to attract, strategically. This includes
• They have a unique model and all organisation and employer develop and retain qualified and improving the performance of
approach in its execution responsibilities are in line with enthusiastic employees as they are their sta; building eective
• Initially they are dependent current legislation, in an the key to institutional success. management systems, policies and
T aa’s commitment to and government hospitals,” says of access to health-care as well as citizens oering them top
Tafta CEO Margie Smith.
providing safe, sheltered
the impact of HIV/Aids.
class facilities and care.
housing and care for elderly
people in need within the With this in mind, the Langeler Towers has been
Langeler Towers boasts
eThekwini region, saw the development of Langeler Towers designed specically to respond to some incredible facilities,
transformation on the once vacant was a welcomed concept to the the housing requirements of those including an on-site coee
plot on Durban’s South Beach into Durban market boasting earning low incomes, providing an shop, beauty salon,
a pristine 11-storey residential panoramic views and providing a environment which oers essential laundromat, convenience
property. sanctuary for the city’s elderly. supportive services and a store, library and a service
continuum of care as required. centre that provides a full
The development has “The building was named range of activities for
contributed to the substantial Langeler Towers – in honour of a The complex, which links to the residents.
investment into the regeneration generous donor who rescued Taa fully renovated John Conradie
of the Durban beachfront from closure many years ago. This House, has access to a newly “Taa extends heartfelt
promenade by the eThekwini coupled with assistance from designed frail care unit and an gratitude to all donors who
Municipality. KZN’s Department of Human extensive assisted living unit, and have contributed so
Settlements as well as generous also oers top of the range selessly. Your generosity
“The plot of land which was donors and sponsors turned this security, allowing residents has made it possible for the
previously rented from the dream into a reality,” says Smith. 24-hour safety. organisation to reach out to
municipality as a recreational those most in need and to
space for residents was later The development, sought to In addition, Langeler Towers see fruition of one of Taa’s
identied as an ideal site for the address the continued demand will make available self-catering most ambitious ten year
complex due to its location, which for secure and aordable units with a monthly rental projects,” says Smith.
oers elements of relaxation, accommodation for Durban’s option, geared so that the units are
tranquillity and comfort as well as pensioners, who are hard hit by affordable. The building will
ease of access to public transport social abuse, abandonment, lack become home to 900 elderly
Photo: Abhi Indrarajan