Page 13 - KZN Business Book Vol.3 No.2
P. 13
Business Chambers Council
A one-of-a-kind development is to hit Durban shores
U mhlanga Arch is proudly including some trendy restaurants.
introduced by e Multiply
Group, a Durban-based
global investment company “Expect the likes of a concierge
service that will handle your
oering access to proprietary laundry and deliver your
transactions on the African groceries, a high-tech business
continent. e Group has a 30% centre to host meetings, a well-
stake in Imbewu Capital Partners, recognised gym, top-end retail
a company founded by CEO stores, a leading car dealership,
Gcina Zondi some 11 years ago, and a premium 4-star hotel,”
and an encouraging example of shares Terry Rosenberg, Chairman
what can be achieved with skill, of e Multiply Group.
hard work, and integrity. Led by
CEO Craig Coombe, e Multiply He continues, “Umhlanga Arch
Group is also a major investor in is going to be a place where you
technology, with a focus on can live a full, productive day
changing the lives of people across without having to venture from
the continent through improving your address. Our vision for this
the ease of transacting, and seeing development was to create a
more communities connected and lifestyle for emerging
served in the business-to-business entrepreneurs, serious business
and business-to-consumer people who are trying to establish
spheres. a balanced home/work lifestyle,
and those individuals who
Prominently positioned on the frequent this area and aspire to
slopes of Umhlanga’s Ridgeside, live within it.”
this R1.3 billion development is
one of the largest mixed-use Amidst the pockets of negative our city leaders, business, and stemming from this progressive development. e initiative is
developments in the province and publicity which all South Africans community, to ensure that local development,” conrms premised on 5 key pillars; social
will undoubtedly bolster tourism, have had to endure, both locally and foreign investors realise the Rosenberg. and economic opportunity
stimulate investment into the and internationally, e Group vast potential that KwaZulu-Natal analysis, skills development,
region, further elevate Umhlanga remains excited and well- has to oer. We are highly Commenting on the traction enterprise development and smme
and greater Durban to a world- grounded about the potential of motivated by the sentiments achieved with this one developer business incubation, opportunity
class standing, and facilitate the region. expressed by CBRE, the leading in particular, Sithembiso linkages and sources of income
signicant job creation. global real estate services provider, Mthembu, Tongaat Hulett’s opportunities.
Private/Public Partnerships who commented that Umhlanga is executive head of development,
Not only has Umhlanga Arch “We believe strongly in the one of the top 20 real estate noted, “While the SSIP is still in its In recognition of the value of
already sold 80% of the residential need for economic regeneration projects in the infancy, in just the area of job this leading transformative
component prior to launching to transformation, and the creation world.” placements alone, we have programme, Rosenberg armed,
the public, but it has also already of jobs. In this regard, we continue successfully made over 2000 “We have embraced Hulett’s vision
attracted R350 million in foreign to be focused on the importance Progressive Development placements in the last 12 months, of ‘Better Together’ and we look
investment to the region, of private/public partnerships. We Umhlanga Arch is collaborating and this relates specically to just forward to seeing the local
conrmed an international hotel have worked closely with the with Tongaat Hulett, who have the Tongaat Hulett’s activities. If all communities benet for many
operator, and engaged with a Durban Investment Promotion most enviable reputation for our development partners were to years to come, not only through
number of the country’s top retail arm of the City Council under successfully transforming embrace the programme as the immediate construction
brands. Russell Curtis who, together with agricultural land into superior real robustly as e Multiply Group opportunities that exist, but in the
the guidance of Phillip Sithole, has estate. e result is a region of has done, we would comfortably post construction phase too,
Four Key Components helped us to engage with Madam great promise. “Due to the fact achieve 10 times this amount in where retail, hospitality, open
e design began with the Mayor Zandile Gumede, a lady that our project will be creating a the same period.” space management, security and
unique arch providing the gateway with a sincere vision to bring our signicant number of jobs, we many opportunities will become
into this premier people-centred city to new heights through have made the decision to support Conceived in 2014 by Tongaat available in time”.
development, and is divided into projects such as this,” says and holistically integrate Tongaat Hulett, the SSIP was established
four key components; upmarket Rosenberg. Hulett’s Socio-Economic, with the key purpose of facilitating Compiled on behalf of Umhlanga Arch by:
oces, rst-class retail, a superior Sustainability and Innovation and creating local, community- Rainmaker Marketing
Hannah Francis
hotel, and contemporary “As a company with its roots Programme (SSIP) into all based social and economic T: 087 231 1588
apartments. It will oer everything rmly entrenched in this province, pre-and post construction and transformation across the full
you need in one location, we remain actively engaged with socio-economic related activities value-chain of property
T his question comes up oen job, but some just don’t know what e best way to start working individuals experience the work
to do.
when talking with leaders in
place for example.
with managers is to enable them
business. Most organisation to understand how their innate
have areas that consistently show AVERAGE IMPROVEMENT OF TEAMS talent lters the world and that e power of strengths through
poor employee engagement, THAT ADDRESS EVERYDAY these talents can be used to engage a workplace coaching process is
which in many cases can be traced ENGAGEMENT NEEDS with their teams more eectively. such that even if managers feel
back to managers with limited or CUSTOMER By developing their strengths, that they are not good at
no talent for people management. SATISFACTION SALES managers can improve employee management, they may still be
It is tempting but unrealistic to 10% 20% engagement signicantly by able to emulate good
think that all of these managers understanding how their strengths management, understanding that
should be simply red. Although GALLUP and those of their teams can be how they will get there will be
not every manager perhaps has recognised, enhanced and unique to them.
the talent to be great people Another challenge is those leveraged.
managers, many can improve, managers that feel that employee Yendor Felgate is a Gallup certied Coach
with the right engagement is unimportant. ey INCREASE IN PROFIT FOR MANY and a facilitator of the Gallup Accelerated
Strengths Coaching Programme.
investment. need the value of engagement STRENGTHS-BASED WORKPLACES
demonstrated for them and in T: 011 026-3442
e key point is whether we are turn need to act on the results of 29%
investing in the right sort of employee engagement surveys. GALLUP
management development. In e best way to do this is by
some ways, there is a need to go having senior leaders engage with
back to the basics in terms of their teams. Research shows that Improvement in the way in
leading people. Can the manager leaders who engage their direct which managers provide feedback
combine people and tasks in teams will see those results signicantly improves
eective and meaningful ways? cascade down as others emulate performance management,
Yendor Felgate -CEO Most managers want to do a good their behaviours. learning outcomes and how