Page 119 - KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK 2019
P. 119

Chairman of Talksure Trading          While Jess has the vision, it’s not all up to him.
                                            With the intrinsic value of treating people well at
          ESS MEREDITH WATTS, chairman of Talksure  the core of his leadership ethos, he has built a loyal
          Trading, started his 20-year career in the contact  front line of employees that are ready to take the
          centre industry in the UK in 1989. After a year  business forward.
       Jat Manchester University studying Economics     When  asked  what  he  finds  the  easiest  about
              and Accounting, the driven and passionate Jess   rallying people around a vision, Jess says that he
       left to establish Cell Talk, a telesales company. The   treats his people well and so when it’s time to go the
       company went on to sell more than 750 000 mobile   extra mile, they have no hesitations.
       contracts and became the leading distributor of
       cellular devices for the UK’s largest mobile network.  “I’ve tried to build a culture of success,” Jess adds,
                                            “I want to give people a sense of purpose.”
        In 2003, he relocated to South Africa and set up
       an offshore Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)   That’s not to say that there aren’t challenges to his
       company. It traded for seven years, selling mobile   job, “Being patient is hard,” he admits, “but you can’t
       contracts back to the UK.            force things to happen overnight.”
        Jess then founded Talksure Trading in 2010. Based   “I’m also quite a strong-minded person,” Jess says,
       in Umhlanga, Durban, Talksure has since grown   “I think people sometimes think that I don’t listen,
       into a 600-seat call centre that has more than    but that’s not true.”
       800 employees.                        Jess’ is a multi-passionate entrepreneur and as such
        The contact centre handles in excess of 10,000,000   has also helped raised R1 million for StreetSmart, a
       inbound and outbound client contacts every year and   Cape Town-based charity that funds education and
       is fast approaching an active client base of 400,000   skills training of street children.
       people.  The  flourishing  company  also  boasts   He is also the founder of Food 4 Thought, a
       partnerships with Blue Chip international companies  charity that seeks to support children living on the
       such as Marsh Risk, and significant domestic names  streets of Durban. Funding for this venture comes
       including Tracker and MiWay Insurance.  from a supportive network of restaurants across
        But for Jess this doesn’t mean it’s time to sit back and   South Africa as well as through the sales of a recipe
       relax. “Don’t ever think you’ve cracked it,” he advises   book, a compilation of favourite dishes from these
       aspiring entrepreneurs, “You’ve never perfected your   restaurants.
       business - there’s always more to learn.”  On the weekends Jess spends time with his 10-year-
        This is evident in  his determination to keep   old son Oliver and enjoys playing tennis. “I’m also
       developing products that add value to people’s   fortunate to have travelled extensively,” says Jess, “I
       lives. Jess believes this is one of the challenges of   have a passion for Southeast Asia and their food and
       working in the  call centre industry – companies   culture.”
       need to strive to be creative and innovative in their   When asked about his life plan, he said, “I’m living
       product development.                 it. It happens every day, I love my life.”

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