Page 122 - KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK 2019
P. 122
UR SINCERE THANKS go to editing footage to produce the videos
Standard Bank for their support that are available on our website:
of the third edition of the KZN, as well as on
OLeaders Portfolio. Facebook, Youtube and other social
media platforms.
A big thank you to all the business
leaders profiled here for giving up their Without everyone’s willingness to
time to answering interview questions. contribute time and energy to the
Thank you too to the various people who different aspects of the KZN Leaders
have facilitated the process and helped Portfolio, we would not be able to
with setting up interviews, handing produce quality multimedia products.
queries, and writing profiles. We look forward to continuing to grow
A special thank you to the team at the collection of leaders’ interviews –
Deaf Dog Media who have spent many both on video and in written format.
hours filming interviews as well as Please keep watching and sharing them!