Page 121 - KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK 2019
P. 121
CEO at DRG Outsourcing, and Chairman at David says, “I dedicate my time to ensuring that I
BusinessFit clearly articulate the purpose and desired outcomes
the business wishes to achieve, sharing how the
AVID WHITE is an authentic leader with a business works and the important measurements
passion for people development. A highly of enterprise performance, especially customer
accomplished businessman, David took and shareholder expectations; helping my team to
Da start-up company he founded in 1996, better understand themselves, and their passions
to a listing on the Johannesburg stock exchange and goals. My desire is to help people understand
in 1998. their zone of influence in the business, how they
contribute, so that they too can become thinkers
The company is DRG, and although it delisted and leaders in the business.”
shortly after the dotcom era, the company has
become an essential service provider in human David is inspired by working with authentic
resource management reporting and compliance business leaders, who create energy and commitment
within their teams. “In my view, the true value of
services in South Africa. DRG has also become a any organisation is its sustainability, and at the heart
valuable contact for many foreign companies coming
into South Africa, who need the support of a human of sustainability is good people relationships. The
best companies, the companies that thrive in all
resource management company to help them set up business climates, are those with engaged staff and
a solid human resource platform for their business.
work teams. These companies have people working
David further extended his passion for people together, governed by shared values, understanding
into co-creating the DRG Leadership Programme. and identifying with the business model, striving for
This programme came about after many years in common goals and outcomes. Seeing employees
helping companies meet employer HR reporting within the business treat the company as if they were
and compliance responsibilities. David said, “We the owners – and holding themselves accountable
understood that as much as two thirds of people for results is the reward.”
do not like their jobs nor work environment, and in David believes that his success has been based
general companies are as little as 40% productive”. on a single-minded approach to his work. “I have
This prompted David and his co-director Charles learned that what is important in our line of work
Henzi into action, and now three years later, the is to develop long-term strategic partnerships with
DRG leadership model is a highly sought-after our clients. We like to work side by side with our
programme, bringing purpose into the workplace clients, sharing our knowledge, and enjoying the
– the outcome being improved “productivity successes they achieve. We keep up to date with
through people”. industry best practice, have absolute integrity, and
share our knowledge and expertise.”
David’s vision and leadership extended further
into an organisation called BusinessFit, which David is a non-executive director of THINK, a non-
provides entrepreneur development services. profit company established in 2013. Through DRG
BusinessFit started in 2012 and is regarded as a he provides essential HR services, allowing THINK’s
leading contributor to entrepreneurial development founder to focus on conducting research to improve
in South Africa. BusinessFit has mentored the lives of those affected by TB and HIV. THINK is
approximately 250 entrepreneurs, many of whom now a renowned force for government and public
health funders to count on, making a difference in
have created successful companies.
policy making and health service delivery locally and
David involves his colleagues and networks in internationally. David’s expertise within HR policy
his vision and passions, and has a huge following making and business development has provided
of entrepreneurs, business leaders and community the executive team of THINK with mentorship that
leaders, who enjoy his desire to help to make the has enabled the organisation to impact the lives of
world of business a better place for all. thousands of people affected by TB and HIV.