Page 9 - KZN Business Sense 9.1
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Biz CORNER changing feels safer than and leaders in their community. programme you will meet more
Struggling Business: Not
qualified customers and referral
The programme is designed to
partners in half a day than you
embracing the times we are in.
give members the opportunity
did in all of 2022 combined.
They try to do everything on
TALK MARLENE their own and end up being busy to build valuable and life-long will try to achieve the above
relationships, solve their business
Currently business owners
with Business Coach
rather than productive.
challenges, and learn strategies to
independently from each other,
grow their business in every area.
Lifestyle Business: Wants to have
@coachmarlenepowell @actioncoachmarlene FUN, freedom and flexibility. This eco-system surrounds not as an eco-system, so they
High Performing Business: our business owners with a are required to take up more
time trying to achieve the above.
They have a bold mission and a team of talented people to help Whereas through the C.A.R.E eco-
big purpose. They want to earn implement ideas with them. system for business they can enjoy
more at the expense of a work-life Mentors are provided to guide everything they require on one
balance. the participating business owners platform. They can be confident
and the peer group is there to
All three types of business inspire them. that everyone who is part of this
owners make up our economy. eco-system for business is wanting
And depending whether or not All business owners need to do to achieve the same outcome.
they are part of an eco-system is show up.
for business will determine Become part of the C.A.R.E eco-
their failure or success in their Why should business owners system for business
business. be a part of the C.A.R.E. eco- Interested business people are
system? more than welcome to set up an
ActionCOACH provides
C.A.R.E. – Community, Firstly – the group will put initial call with me to find out
Accountability, Results, and a smile on your face! The when our next information session
Education programme comprises: is. There they can learn more
and ask any questions that they
A big focus for us in 2023 is ■ Organised networking and feel necessary to give them the
the addition of group leveraged alliance building sessions confidence to join our C.A.R.E
programmes for those business ■ Business to Business and eco-system for business.
owners who are not ready for the Business to Client break-out
intensity of one-on-one business peer to peer sessions Contact me on
coaching but want to make solid ■ Amazing education marlenepowell or call 083 479 4471
inroads towards a profoundly
more successful business. ■ Networking lunch
■ Much more!
ou have two choices as a From my experience The C.A.R.E. eco-system is
business owner. When you working with many different an advisory group for helping The C.A.R.E. eco-system
Ylook back on your life you business owners, no matter business owners to both grow provides opportunities to sell SCAN
will have either a: what industry they are in or personally and to grow their in the room, buy in the room,
how long they have been in business through education, build referral partners, and meet QR CODE
■ Smile on your face, or business, there are three very TO SEE
■ The pain of regret distinct differences I have leadership, support, advice, future strategic alliances. We all VIDEO
are about building our business
accountability and team work
- Inspired by Daniel Priestly experienced: - provided by other business owners community. Through the
ith the seemingly high temperatures cannot ends, it does not pose an The importance of becoming a Plastics Industry Master
endless challenges be effectively reached and effective long-term solution self-reliant Plan is being developed to
Wthat South Africa maintained, nor is there enough for large companies that mass With the country’s power utility put the industry on a growth
and its people face, the driving time between scheduled power produce plastic products. predicting at least two more years trajectory. This plan is already
force behind these challenges outages for the machines used to Owing to the high cost of of loadshedding on the horizon, three years in the making and
seems to be the notorious rolling reach the required temperature diesel, manufacturers find the plastics industry cannot afford sees an active collaboration
blackouts that have plagued for the processes to be restarted,” themselves paying double the to wait on the government to between industry, labour
our country for more than a Hanekom explains. tax when they use generators. solve its problems. Hanekom says and government to develop a
decade. From manufacturing In 2000 Government started that, as the representative body of vision for the industry, identify
and production, to retail and Ripple effects felt by other implementing a diesel refund the plastics industry, Plastics SA blockages and constraints, and
education, not a single industry industries system to provide full or partial strongly advises plastic producers develop a set of key actions that
is being left unscathed and Plastics are ubiquitous in our relief from the general fuel to find practical and innovative need to be taken forward over
unaffected. Plastics SA Executive lives and can be found in almost levy and the Road Accident ways of getting around the power the short and medium term. We
Director Anton Hanekom says, every aspect. As a result, plastic Fund (RAF) levy to primary supply issues they face. are tapping into these resources
the local plastics industry is manufacturing and use serve sectors such as agriculture. The and partnerships to try and find
no exception when it comes to as the foundation for other refund system is in place for If no other economically affordable and workable energy
experiencing the negative impact products. When the plastics the farming, forestry, fishing viable solutions can be found, solutions to ensure our industry
of relentless interruptions in industry faces such severe and mining sectors. However, at least bargain for longer remains competitive. Whether
power supply. challenges, it quickly snowballs during the last budget speech, periods. The industry would these solutions involve going
“Our industry is especially and affects other closely related in light of the electricity crisis, welcome loadshedding cycles off the grid, feeding power back
a similar refund on the RAF
exposed when it comes to and critical industries, such as levy for diesel used in the of 12 hours or more. In other into the grid, or using renewable
loadshedding due to the fact that the packaging sector, which manufacturing process, such words, switch the supply off energy, a viable solution needs
the processing and production accounts for half of total plastic as for generators, has been for 12 hours but then allow the to be found and implemented
of plastics and plastic products polymer consumption in South extended to the manufacturers manufacturers and recyclers as a matter of urgency if we
are done primarily through Africa, followed by the building of foodstuffs. We believe this to run continuously for seven hope to see any form of success
thermal processing. This means and construction sector. refund must be extended, to all days. The stop-start cycles are in the future,” Hanekom
that high temperatures must Whilst relying on generators manufacturing sectors using not the solution for thermo- concludes.
be maintained throughout for private use can be effective generators, to bring much processing technologies.
the manufacturing process. to keep homes operational and needed relief from the general “As part of government’s For more information, visit
However, without power, these the lights on until loadshedding fuel levy and RAF levy. Industrial Policy Re-imagined,