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Monique Labat, collaborations allow partners to grow your supplier network and who have innovative ideas but choose one B2B strategy which
Monique Labat leverage each other’s strengths find new business opportunities. lack the resources needed for aligns closely with the goals
Consulting while mitigating potential Example: If you supply fuel implementation on a larger and objectives of your company.
risks associated with entering additives and you’re looking scale. This type of partnership Utilising advanced technologies
W hy unfamiliar territories or to distribute the range of fuel allows smaller players access like artificial intelligence and
launching a new product or
to capital investments as well
machine learning may prove
additives to a new geographic
service line on their own.
beneficial when attempting to
as potential customers through
Innovate with Collaborations also offer the region or country, then using established distribution develop sustainable long term
a B2B specialist who will sift
B2B? opportunity for both parties through potential distributors and channels that would otherwise B2B relationships. Although this
In today’s to gain valuable insights from arrange online meetings is both a be unavailable due to their size depends greatly upon the type of
limitations or lack of brand
partnership involved, whether
competitive one another which could lead to great time saver and costs saver. recognition among consumers. it is purely transactional based
business further innovations down the or whether it may be a strategic
environment, it is essential for road as well as increased market Business Development In addition, these partnerships joint venture.
companies to stay ahead of the share over competitors who are Opportunities often provide valuable insights
curve by developing innovative not taking advantage of similar The B2B specialist is also there into emerging technologies or However, success ultimately
strategies to create successful opportunities. to assist companies with their markets, which may not have depends on the amount of effort
business to business (B2B) B2B linkages are an important business development. Once been considered by either party put into establishing a strong
linkages. part of any successful innovation you’ve identified a new industry prior to considering such B2B foundation before implementing
By leveraging B2B linkages, strategy. By leveraging the niche, then the B2B specialist can agreements, making them even various tactics mentioned
companies can expand their reach strengths and resources of a link you up with industry experts more beneficial from a strategic above. You want to maximise
and access new markets that B2B specialist, businesses can in the field thereby cutting down standpoint than traditional your company returns and
on getting your service or product
would otherwise be inaccessible. create new products, services, to market. alliances between competitors investments made while
Additionally, these partnerships and solutions that will grow the within similar industries alone creating and maintaining these
often provide unique opportunities company’s footprint and offer a Key Trends in B2B Innovation could ever achieve on their own. B2B connections.
for cost savings and improved new range or additional products Which B2B strategy fits your
operational efficiency that can help and services to their client base. To ensure success in this area, company? Keen to learn more about B2B market
businesses remain competitive in it’s important for companies to linkages, give Monique Labat a call on
an ever-changing landscape. Industry Sector Examples using be aware of the latest trends in There are many different Mobile: +27 82 924 6349 or
B2B Linkages B2B innovation strategies so they types of strategies available to Email:
Collaborations Work Working with a B2B specialist can make informed decisions companies wishing to explore Visit us at:
Companies can foster who has existing networks and about how best to collaborate possibilities offered up by B2B
innovation through B2B linkages understanding of industry sectors with other organisations. collaborations in order to grow
by pursuing collaborative will assist in gaining a good One key trend is collaboration business operations successfully
projects with other companies understanding of the options between large corporations and and sustainably on a long-
in their industry sector. These available to grow your client base, small start-ups or entrepreneurs term basis. Make sure that you
Ndumiso Sikhakhane, Director: Infinity 1. Define your business goals & quality campaigns that appeals to use. Then think about how each
Growth Digital Marketing set clear expectations your target audience. Your buyer channel contributes to meeting
Many people underestimate persona should be worked on your goals.
igital marketing has the power of planning and goal frequently or refined when market There are lots of different digital
become an integral part setting. Before you even start opportunities arise. channels available. The most
Dof every business. South anything, the first thing you popular include web blog posts,
Africa continues to grow its need to do is define your business 3. Map out your media & content email marketing newsletters,
consumer internet accessibility, and your goals. Maybe you want strategy. social media marketing, search
people are spending more more loyal customers, to increase Building a media strategy takes engine optimisation or paid
time online, and as a result your revenue or maybe you the longest time in this process media. I always advise my clients
marketing budgets are now want to expand to a new market. and may at times require an to consider using more than Ndumiso Sikhakhane
shifting toward digital. With so Writing this down will make it expert or agency to detail all the one channel and to integrate
many opportunities in digital much easier for you to create a different tactics. This is about digital and traditional media for Digital marketing tactics
marketing, having a digital clear marketing strategy that will building a clear strategy based on optimum success. and trends are ever changing,
marketing strategy is important be aligned with your goals. what and how you want to achieve something that worked last year
in order to monitor return on it. There are templates available 5. Set key performance indicators may require tweaking to work
investment (ROI). 2. Understand your customer & online that can help you develop Finally, it is important to today. When planning, take some
create a buyer persona time to make sure that you are
As a digital marketing a digital marketing and content track all marketing campaigns. using best practices, you don’t
strategist, I often see business What makes or breaks any strategy. It’s also advisable to use You will need to develop set have to create a set plan and stick
owners that poorly manage business success online is how the GSOT strategy framework key performance indicators to it. If a plan isn’t delivering
their company’s marketing to identify and reach their ideal which stands for goals, strategies, (KPIs), which you will monitor results pause and try new creative
efforts. This means that target market. You should spend objectives and tactics which will frequently. Tracking ROI on tactics until you get consistent
some campaigns can end up time creating a buyer persona for help you align your plan with sales is important for a lot of results. The key to growing your
the people you want to target,
being a waste of money. This this will help you create detailed the goals. Your content calendar business owners, you need to results is to build a clear plan and
is avoidable, you just need targeted ads. Ask yourself these needs to be planned and reviewed track the overall sales revenue
a results-driven marketing questions; who are our ideal monthly to monitor progress. since the campaign started stay focused.
strategy to get started. against all campaigns. This will
Continuously investing in this customers, what gender are they? 4. Set up lead generation also show you which parts of T: +27 (0)31 307 1988 /+27 (0)81 246 5781
Where do they live? How old are
strategy is one of the best ways platforms & tactics your campaign are successful E:
to grow your digital ROI. Below they? What are their interests? Once you know the content and which are not. Each activity W:
What are their pains? What
are five important elements needs do they have that you can required, you need to choose the that you invest in should have a
that you need to include when help them with? channels that are most likely to clear KPI, which is your measure
building a digital marketing give you the best results. Consider of success, then set monthly
strategy that generates results Answering these questions will all potential marketing channels, benchmarks that clearly indicate
for your business. make it easier for you to create tools and tactics that you could what needs to be achieved.