Page 7 - KZN Business Sense 9.1
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                    Johan van Deventer,     R6,500 or less per month in    The calculation for ETI has a year 1 and year 2 calculation and has been   from employee engagement to
                    KZN Regional        terms of their gross         displayed below for ease of reference:                     termination.
                    Manager, LabourNet    remuneration figure             MONTHLY           FORMULA            FORMULA          Full Outsource Payroll
                     T    he            been employed on or after       REMUNERATION     FIRST 12 MONTHS  SECOND 12 MONTHS      experts and developers, cloud-
                                         The employee should have
                                                                                                                                 Developed by leading payroll
                                        1 October 2013
                      Employment Tax   ■   Employers can claim the ETI    R0 TO R1 999,99  75% OF MONTHLY   37, 5% OF MONTHLY   based PSIber Payroll delivers a
                                                                                                                                truly unique payroll system that
                      Incentive (ETI)     for a maximum of 24 qualifying                                                        can be used by clients in any
                       in South Africa     months for each qualifying                                                           industry and of any size. The
                        is a government     employee                   R2 000 TO R4 499,99   R1 500,00           R750           system automates complicated
                        programme      If the employer is not subject                                                           payroll calculations and processing
                        that aims to   to wage regulating measures,                                                             through its sophisticated yet user-
                       encourage      the employee’s wage should be at                                                          friendly functionality – and is
        employers to hire and retain young                                                                                      easily accessible from your phone,
        workers. The incentive is intended   least R2000.00 per month if they   Incentive in South Africa is   ensure compliance and provide   computer or tablet.  Reporting
                                      are exempt from the national
        to reduce the cost of hiring and                            a valuable tool for employers   you with peace of mind that   is comprehensive and flexible,
        retaining young employees by   minimum wage. If the employer   looking to hire and retain young   your payroll administration   while processing of all statutory
        providing a reduction in the   is subject to the wage regulating   workers, as it can help to reduce   and management activities are   requirements is both simple and
        amount of Pay-As-You-Earn     measures, then the employee’s   the cost of doing so. Employers   accurate and always accessible   accurate. 
        (PAYE) tax that an employer is   wage should not be less than the   who are eligible for the incentive   with one goal in mind –
        required to pay.              prescribed minimum wage for the   should make sure to take   improving your bottom line!
                                      employer’s industry.                                                                      T: +27 (0)31 266 6570
          To be eligible for the ETI, the   The incentive works by   advantage of it to support the   Choose the solution best suited   C: +27 (0)82 786 7480
        employer needs to be compliant   reducing the amount of PAYE   employment of young people in   to your requirements:    E:
        with SARS in terms of no      tax that an employer is required   South Africa. This programme   For the matured business, access   W:
        outstanding amounts owing to   to pay on behalf of a qualifying   is a great way for employers to   to all modules in the application
                                                                    give back to the community
        SARS. This could be in terms   employee. It is important to note                          to facilitate the employee’s
        of VAT, UIF, SDL, PAYE or any   that the ETI is only available   and contribute to the reduction   full life cycle with technical
        other non- compliance with SARS                             of youth unemployment and     infrastructure, system support,
        relating to the employer’s PAYE   to employers registered for   economic growth in South Africa.  and expert legislative knowledge
                                      PAYE with the South African
        reference number.                                            The ETI came into effect on 1   as and when required.
                                      Revenue Service (SARS), and   January 2014 and it will end on 28
          The employee eligibility can be   that the incentive is claimed on   February 2029.                                      SCAN
        seen below:                   a monthly basis by the employer                             Supported Payroll Service     QR CODE
        ■   An employee must be between    when submitting their monthly   LABOURNET SERVICES      Not the conventional           TO SEE
          the ages of 18 and 29 years old  Emp201 declaration to SARS.  Our services are designed to   outsourcing model but rather an   VIDEO
                                                                                                  extension to your business, full
        ■   The employee must also earn    Overall, the Employment Tax   improve business efficiencies,   facilitation of your payroll process


                    Jacquie Bhana, Coach,   engineering, automotive and   and counselling, following the   my career, and further created a   business in Durban, focussing on
                     Mentor and Counsellor  retail. Within these sectors,   effects of Covid.”    space for me to develop a more   the execution of their strategic
                                      she has worked at a senior       In addition, Jacquie says   nuanced approach to career   plan.  Her work also includes
                            fter 35   level in both marketing and   she believes that she can make a   planning and my associations   coaching for smaller  businesses
                            years of   human resource functions, in   bigger impact beyond the gates   beyond the professional sphere. In   which she enjoys.
                      Aworking        management, executive and non-  of a corporate and the borders of   a nutshell, it has been a thought-  “For many years, we were
                      in some of the   executive roles. The companies   South Africa. “I am well equipped   provoking and life-changing   denied the privilege of senior
                       most successful   that Jacquie has worked for   to work as a coach and mentor   journey that has made me look   and leadership roles, but now
                        local and     include VWSA, Bostik and British   with bright young minds, with   forward to adding value from an   we can become anything we
                        global        United Engineering, McCarthy   emphasis on new executives,   HR perspective.”             want to be – to work beyond
                        companies,    Motor Holdings and Tongaat    managers, small business owners   Speaking of Jacquie’s     the old status quo, to shatter
                        Jacquie Bhana   Hulett.  She currently serves on   and women in particular,   mentorship, Natasha Thomas-  the proverbial glass ceilings –
                        recently      the board of the Durban Chamber   especially those from previously   Kasangana said, “Our first   both in corporate and small
                        left the      of Commerce and Industry as the   disadvantaged backgrounds,   development conversation   business. It is truly an exciting
        corporate world to do what she   first vice president.      having spent a lot of my time   happened 15 years ago, as a law   and exhilarating time to be in
        loves – developing people, seeing     The experience that Jacquie   in corporate South Africa,   student, pursuing articles of   business,” concluded Jacquie. 
        them grow and becoming better   has acquired includes the   informally working in this area,   clerkship at the big five law firms
        as people and helping them, as   development and facilitation of a   with great results.”  in a new city away from all the
        human beings, work towards    range of leadership, management,                            family or friends that had been   For more information
        their aspirations.   This includes   skills training and graduate   Jacquie explained that having   so instrumental in delivering me   C: +27 83 386 8343
        building them as high performance   programmes, as well as diversity   grown up in the Eastern Cape,   that juncture. Jacquie has helped   W:
        individuals to form part of high   management initiatives at senior   attending a township school and   me to be more than a lawyer. She
        performing teams, to enable them   and executive level.     having accomplished many career   has taught me how to generously
        to add value to the business.                               goals against serious odds, she can   co-create business solutions. She
                                       Jacquie says, “I have been in the   relate well to them.
         Her years of experience and   trenches – been there, done that                           also reminds me to maintain my
        success with people development   and I have worked with a number   Human Resources graduate   sense of humour such that all
        makes Jacquie an ideal person   of people development issues with   intern, Xolani Magubane,   those around me are equally at
        with whom to work. Her company,   various stakeholders, including   said mentorship had been a   ease.”
        Jacquie Bhana Consulting, is a   labour, government, and student   huge part of his personal and   Jacquie is delighted to already   SCAN
        BBBEE level 1 entity.         bodies. A key interest of mine is   professional development   be working with a large corporate   QR CODE
                                                                    as an aspiring chartered HR
           Jacquie has worked in various   new managers, executives and   practitioner.  “Jacquie Bhana   focussing on the coaching and   TO SEE
        business sectors, including   women in particular. A new focus   helped me to actualise my vision   mentoring of senior women and   VIDEO
        agriculture, financial services,   area is mental health coaching   and the ordinary goals I have for   graduates, as well as a medium

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