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Financial Education children play. The NJMPF ‘playing cards’ form part
In recent years, the NJMPF teamed up with the National and parcel of the Funds’ financial literacy programme.
Credit Regulator (NCR) as it has recognised that within Globally financial literacy levels are low and many lack
its own membership, members are burdened with debt. the ability to understand essential financial concepts
In collaborating with the NCR, the NJMPF has been in making informed decisions about saving, investing
able to offer its members and pensioners advice on and borrowing. This is especially true for South Africa
debt and credit management from the experts (NCR) and a large population of the NJMPF’s membership.
themselves. Partnering with the regulator allows for The campaign is entitled ‘What is your deal when it
leveraging of expertise on credit/debt management comes to retirement?’. Boring educational material
education and educating NJMPF members at no cost. on money, credit, and investments can actually
During the past years the NJMPF has partnered with the discourage people of all ages from learning valuable
Financial Sector Conduct Authority and the Office of the information that can help them make wise financial
Pension Funds Adjudicator and a law firm to educate decisions. Fortunately, money management lessons
stakeholders about issues relating to financial literacy. masquerading as games can make learning about
What is your deal when it comes to retirement? finance easy and even fun. The NJMPF understands
The Fund continues the momentum of exploring that the subject of retirement is tedious to some and
and finding modern ways of communicating with many people only start thinking about it when it’s
stakeholders. Through these initiated communication too late.
campaigns, the NJMPF aims to provide solutions to The playing cards have had a huge reputational impact,
empower its membership through member education. significantly raising awareness on debt management
The NJMPF utilises numerous ways of communicating and encouraging a saving culture. The NJMPF’s
with its stakeholders to ensure that the Funds’ financial literacy commitment is to help members move
mission of providing superior retirement services is towards a financially free future.
achieved. With the change in legislation - increasing Enhanced Benefits to Stakeholders
penetration of online mediums of communicating,
the NJMPF is focusing on increasing the speed of Investment performance is a key agenda for any
communicating and educating stakeholders whilst retirement fund. The NJMPF has achieved excellent
also reducing the costs associated with this education short and long-term investment performance which has
and communication. The NJMPF is also moving enabled the Funds to increase and improve benefits to
towards a more fun and playful manner of engaging members and pensioners. Pensioners of the NJMPF are
stakeholders. Getting the whole family involved in awarded increases and benefits which greatly improve
financial issues will assist in a more financially free their standard of living.
community. A common way of getting the family
together is through a good game of cards. The ETHICAL GOVERNANCE CULTURE
NJMPF has initiated the “playing cards” project - this The NJMPF has continued the tradition of obtaining
initiative is to keep stakeholders engaged in a fun and clean audits from the Auditor General of its annual
interactive manner. Playing cards can be a pastime financial statements in an environment where clean
that offers pleasure and social enjoyment. A game of audits are rare. This is an indication of the good corporate
cards is a way of entertaining yourself in a group and it governance practices. The NJMPF is complying with all
is one of the most popular indoor activities adults and principles applicable in the retirement industry.
Full Name of Company: KwaZulu-Natal Joint Municipal KEY PERSONNEL
Pension / Provident Funds (NJMPF) CEO / Principal Officer: Sam Camilleri
Industry Sector: Financial Services - Retirement Deputy CEO / Principal Officer: Bongi Mkhize
Funding Industry Chief Operating Officer: Cheryl Ward
Services / Products: Retirement Products Chief Financial Officer: Zinhle Ndlovu
- Superannuation Fund, Retirement Fund and Public Relations Manager: Lunga Mahlaba
Provident Fund Finance Manager: Ayanda Majola
Date Established: 1942
Customer Base: 20 000 Active Members and 10 000 CONTACT DETAILS
Active Pensioners = 30 000 Total Membership Physical Address: 5 Derby Place, Derby Downs Office
No. of Employees: 39 Park, University Road, Westville, 3630
B-BBEE Status: We are a retirement fund focused on Postal Address: P.O. Box 33, Westwood, 3633
transformation in the industry Tel: +27 (0)31 279 5330
Auditors / Accountants: Internal Auditors - Deloitte Fax: +27 (0)31 266 6715
External Auditors - Auditor General (AG) E-mail:
Bankers: Standard Bank Website: