Page 134 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
P. 134



       CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE      market, and the international market is supplied
                                            on a project basis. International customers include
       EXCELLENCE                           Bayer, BASF, Buckman Laboratories, Coca Cola, Dow
       LHL  Engineering  was  established  in  February  1969   Corning, Tisand, Rohm and Haas, Sara Lee, Unilever,
       as a support for the German imported LHL axel as   Degussa, Cray Valley Products, Hoechst, and Scott
       used in the logistics industry. LHL has, over the last   Bader, SAPREF, Illovo Sugar.
       50 years, established itself as an excellent brand   LHL Engineering has successfully exported pressure
       boasting international quality ratings by working   vessels and other equipment including complete
       with ISO standards. The centrally located factory at   plants to Australia, the Far East, Zambia, Angola,
       New Germany, 15km from the Port of Durban, offers   Tanzania, Mauritius, Seychelles, the Comores Islands,
       >3000m²  of  production  area  and  is  ideally  situated   Hong Kong and United Arab Emirates, Zambia,
       close to all major road links to the various regions of   Mozambique, Botswana, amongst others.
       South Africa.
                                            A Dedicated, Diverse Team
       Over the years LHL Engineering has built up a solid   LHL Engineering’s products are manufactured by a
       reputation in terms of its management and the quality   dedicated team who specialise in steel fabrication and
       of both products manufactured as well as services   installation. The management team has more than 100
       rendered. LHL Engineering caters for all types of   years combined experience in the industry and an open
       fabrication, using various grades of steel – ranging   door, participative management style is practiced.
       from carbon through to 3CR12, 304SS, 316SS, titanium   As a level 1 BBBEE contributor, the staff policy is to
       and other exotics.                   afford opportunities to employees who exhibit the
       Facilities                           commitment and skills with reference to addressing
       Facilities include bending, cutting, and rolling with a   past inequalities. The company has ongoing in-
       120ton press, a three metre guillotine, and rolls able   house and formal training, which is outsourced to
       to handle 25 mm plate. The workshop has a lifting   internationally recognised training organisations. The
       capacity of 10 tons via its overhead cranes, which have   well-trained, happy workforce ensures stability and
       a five metre under hook working clearance. Larger jobs   continuity.
       are undertaken with the use of external mobile cranes   Design and Drawing Facilities
       as required. The heaviest complete unit built at LHL   In-house, as well as outsourced design and drawing
       was 36 tons, the longest unit fabricated was 22 metres   facilities, are offered, using the following computer
       and the widest unit manufactured and transported off   programme for vessel calculations:
       site was 5.5m.
                                            �  ASME
       Major Customers                      �  BS 5500
       LHL Engineering specialises in the fabrication,   �  TEMA R
       refurbishment and installation of stainless steel tanks,   �  Saddle - BS 5500
       pressure vessels, heat exchangers, reactors and   �  Vibration/deflection of vertical vessels
       piping. Major customers are in the sugar, chemical,   �  Local loading of nozzles
       pharmaceutical, petro-chemical, wood and paper,   �  BS 5500 vacuum vessels
       water  and  sanitation,  transport,  food  and  allied   �  Beam - bending stresses / deflection
       industries.                          �  API 620 tank code
                                            �  AutoCAD
       Most products are manufactured for the South African   �  Project Planning
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