Page 132 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
P. 132

                             AND HEART CENTRE

                                                Lenmed Group Chairman   General Manager:
                                                & CEO: Prakash Devchand   Niresh Bechan

       HELICOPTER EMERGENCY AMBULANCE       #Lenmed1 a valuable instrument in saving lives.
       SERVICE                              Lenmed Helicopter Ambulance Service #Lenmed1: is
                                            a partnership with Lenmed; IPSS Medical Rescue and
                                            Rescue Care.
       Lenmed Helicopter Emergency Services (HEMS),
       allows us to provide critically important, medical   Lenmed Helicopter Ambulance Service #Lenmed1 is
       service to patients in KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape   a permanently configured Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
       and Swaziland – seven days a week.   equipped air ambulance supported by experienced
                                            and skilled doctors, paramedics and emergency staff.
       This service is a specialised lifesaving pre-hospital   Lenmed Helicopter Ambulance Service #Lenmed1 is
       emergency care service, which could mean the   an aeromedical service, that came about to provide
       difference between the patient’s survival and death.    best patient outcomes through removing the loss of
       With the appropriate deployment of Lenmed’s   time by allowing for quick transfers for life threatening
       Helicopter Ambulance Services, this could have a   emergencies. This Durban based helicopter service is
       positive effect on the patient’s outcome, thus making   available for all pre-hospital services, acute patient

       �  #Lenmed1 with the various stakeholders

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