Page 125 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
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finance applications, creditors/debtors administration,
and secretarial services to aid and empower business
owners and entrepreneurs.
To ensure business owners understand Broad-Based
Black Economic Empowerment Codes of Good Practice
and B-BBEE compliance requirements, Magdelene
supplies a step-by-step guide and digital resources for
B-BBEE applications.
Magdelene and The Busy Bookkeeper and Partners
team also offer one-on-one support and administration
for the often daunting and stressful task of acquiring a
B-BBEE affidavit.
Magdelene van der Walt, Founder & CEO
In addition to their expert administrative and
finance services, The Busy Bookkeeper and Partners
supply convenient, easy-to-use digital templates for
business plans, cash flow forecasts, and employee
leave applications to simplify time-consuming yet
essential administrative tasks.
Establishing partnerships with award-winning
data backup and cybersecurity providers, IronTree,
automated payment reminder suppliers, Nagging
Panda, and purchasing software specialists, Pro-
curement Express enables The Busy Bookkeeper and
Partners to assist business owners with the challenges
often faced by startups and SMEs today. Delila Pattinson, Partner at Rison
While strategic partnerships with accounting
software specialists, Draftwork, Sage and Xero,
wealth management experts, Warwick Wealth,
and business funding suppliers, Bridgement and
Merchant Capital ensures The Busy Bookkeeper
and Partners can support clients and help them
navigate and overcome the restrictions, hardships,
and pitfalls that frequently affect South African
businesses and their ability to succeed.
As Magdelene explains, “By providing valuable support
in the form of services, helpful resources, partnerships,
and business software, we help small business
Claudia Pereira, Marketing & Admin Assistant
owners reduce the stress of managing overwhelming
paperwork, tax compliance, and searching for funding
so that they can actually focus on starting, growing,
and confidently managing their businesses.”
With a “your success is our success” business motto
and affordable offerings, The Busy Bookkeeper
and Partners ensures their services and business
solutions remain accessible, all the while providing
dependable resources and offering a much-needed
source of support to South Africans who are pursuing
a dream and starting their business journey, as well
as growing SMEs and established enterprises that are
striving for success. Layla Labscher, Accounting & Admin Assistant 123